We now have a theme developing, what with bombing Mecca... Geert Wilders, leader of the far-right Freedom Party in the Netherlands, called for the ban of the Qur'an in a letter published in De Volkskrant newspaper. In his letter, Wilders compares the Muslim holy book to Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler's autobiography, and said the Qur'an has "no place in ourconstitutional state". He described the book as "fascist" adding that "there is no such thing as moderate Islam."
One has to wonder about the current state of the Netherlands. It prides itself on being a liberal democracy with relaxed laws, allowing for drugs, prostitution and pornography. And which also leads to the kind of ideas that allow Wilders to state: "I am fed up with Islam in the Netherlands: no more Muslim immigrants allowed. I am fed up with the worship of Allah and Muhammad in the Netherlands: no more mosques," his letter concluded. He admitted though that he thought his ideas would never make it through Parliament. However, his ideas will certainly foment further vilification of Muslims and Islam in a country where this seems to be turning into the national past time. Labels: Islam, News