Thursday, May 25

Imams should lead from the front

I recently published this article in The Muslim News

With the anniversary of the London bombings fast approaching, the Government and the media have their eyes on mosques and imams. They are increasingly calling for them to fall under greater scrutiny. But why are these institutions which are fundamental to the Muslim community not assessing themselves with a critical eye? Isn't it time that mosques and imams started to lead from the front?

When Muslims started to arrive in droves in the UK in the 1950's and 60's, little mosques started to sparkle everywhere like drops of dew on a cool summer morning. They took the form of back rooms in people's homes, behind shops, a hired room in a community centre. They were a stake in the ground, the flagpole of a recently arrived community making the place their own. Find three Muslims in one location, and you found a place of prayer. On the whole they were run as microcosms of 'back home', community centres mainly for men, with classes after school where children learnt the Qur'an by rote, rarely understanding a word that they were reading. The imams were usually brought in from places where the bulk of the local community hailed from: they were links to traditional cultures and teachings.

But those Muslims grew up, they faced new challenges, and most of all, they questioned, and got no answers from their imams who did not speak their language, neither English, nor in content or relevance. A lot of the time, they didn't bother to go to mosques as part of the daily routine as their families had done before. They claimed that the mosques were no longer relevant, that they couldn't communicate with the imam, that the faith that was taught there was outdated, not for them. And yet the mosques and the imams pretty much stuck to the way things were. Quietly from within the Muslim community, little beacons of light did start to emerge, trying to change the attitude, approach and significance of the mosque within the community. But these are still few and far between.

It has taken the events of July 7 and the whole of the media spotlight on the institutions of the mosque and the imams to send a jolt through the community. But words like, head, bury, sand, ostrich still spring to mind. The Government and liberal discourse has got it into its spin-filled head that the mosque is the source of all radicalism, and that imams have a huge responsibility to bear, and that responsibility for these hideous tragedies lies on their shoulders. This line of argument is now zoning in on these targets with the proposals of new forms of regulation.

This talk of plans to regulate mosques and imams is deeply worrying and has a dark edge to it. No other faith group in this country is regulated in this way. Why single out the Muslim community for further regulation? The threat to have a Government controlled body - and it can be seen, as nothing except a prejudiced threat - needs to shake the leaders of the mosques and the imams into introducing reform and best practice according to their own requirements and benchmarks. Having been in this country for at least 50 years, the Muslim community needs collectively to assess what the function of the mosque should be, and what it needs to do to achieve that goal. But alas, we've been too comfortable. Half a century on, it's time we took stock. Are our mosques properly funded? Do they have the right spiritual and social facilities? What is their function in the community? Do they serve all their constituents?

The mosque, as any Muslim will tell you, was designed to be the centre of the Muslim social scene. Prayer is of course the defining element of the masjid - which means 'place to prostrate'. However, even from early historical times its function and resonance was much wider. It was the place for reform and challenge. What happened? The role of the mosque and the imam are now up for discussion. And about time too. It's time for imams to be given a hard time.

Why are the imams not ahead of the curve? Their very role is to be the zeitgeist, to anticipate change and initiate it. They should be our visionaries and leaders. An imam's role is, according to the word's meaning, to lead.

The issue of women with regards to mosques is also a serious one. There are now an estimated 1600 mosques in the UK. It is generally accepted that a large proportion of these do not permit women to enter, or claim that they do not have the facilities for women. There is no active accommodation of women in mosques - no sense that they are an integral part of the mosque. The physical space allocated to women is remembered as an afterthought in the planning of a mosque. Mosque committees rarely have female members, and the balance of power lies with the imam or the (male) chair.

The elders have made huge contributions to the community, often prioritising the establishment of the mosque over personal needs. But the unfortunate reality is that the presence of younger members is on the whole minimal, and again they are unlikely to wield any power. The culture of the 'murabbi' or the elder insists that the opinion of the young is downgraded in favour of the elder, irrespective of the merit of the suggestion or action.

It will be hard for those running the bulk of mosques to take these comments, or to embrace the reforms that must inevitably come. They are in comfortable positions of power and have no incentive to change. Not to mix metaphors, but, the times, they are a-changing, and the mosques and imams can either initiate the change and empower the community, or be against it and have it forced on us.

Saturday, May 13

The forbidden F-word

Muslims appear to have forgotten how to have F**. It's a very worrying trend. In fact, Muslims appear to go out of their way not to have F**, and with it we've lost our sense of humour too. Yes, the latest taboo is FUN!

Aaargh! I said it, fun, fun, fun. The Muslim community is adamant that we should have none of it, and in fact, that we should insist on being miserable.

I went to see a Muslim stand up comedian last night, a small Black American Muslim called Preacher Moss. He said he would tell people what he did and they would say "Astaghfirullah!" His routine had the audience in stitches, a young crowd who had probably worked hard all week, and were appreciating the chance to relax. The event was sponsored by a charity, and in his closing remarks the host said in his most Day-of-Judgement-is-nigh-voice "Remember! Excessive laughter weakens the soul". Er, hello! We're at a comedy evening!

Ms Yvonne Ridley too has joined the misery criers. She recently wrote a piece slating the sudden upsurge in boy bands. On this general point I have to agree with her. Her reason is that they are promoting haram activities (Muslim women swaying in the aisles and throwing their burqas on stage) which will spell the end of the known universe. My problem is that they are just so very bad that they make you cringe. Think Take That meets Sunday school children's nasheed group. She asks, how on earth a Muslim could ever even possibly consider the notion of thinking about having fun and relaxing, when there is so much suffering in the world? Because we're human, sister Yvonne? Because God made us so that we are recharged by a little humour and fun? OOPS! I said the F-word. Sorry. The guilt at having fun is almost enough to make you catholic.

Thursday, May 11

A lot of reading to catch up on...

There's a lot of new documentation being churned out today... two reports on the July 7 bombings (don't you find people who call it seven seven really annoying??) and an eighteen page letter from Ahmedinajad to Mr Bush. Can the US prez read that much? Can he even count to eighteen? Ms Rice was dismissive of the letter, but I heard a quote read out on the radio... All politics aside, will it go down in literary history as a hark back to traditional literary devices in order for countries to communicate? Did he email it, or was it hand written on parchment? And did he stay up all night to write it, in a frenzied philosophical fever? Such questions are further proof that I am probably a political bimbo hiding behind the facade of a political activist...

Tuesday, May 2

The Potato joke

Not sure whether to laugh or cry...

An old Arab lived close to New York City for more than 40 years. One day he decided that he wanted to plant potatoes and herbs in his garden, but he knew he was alone and too old and weak. His son was in college in Paris, so the old man sent him an e-mail explaining the problem: "Beloved son, I am very sad, because I can't plant potatoes in my garden. I am sure, if only you were here, that you would help me and dig up the garden for me. I love you, your father."

The following day, the old man received an e-mail from his son: "Beloved father, please don't touch the garden. That is where I have hidden 'the THING.' I love you, too, Ahmed." At 4pm the FBI and the Rangers visited the house of the old man and took the whole garden apart, searching every inch. But they couldn't find anything. Disappointed, they left the house. The next day, the old man received another e-mail from his son: "Beloved father, I hope the garden is dug up by now and you can plant your potatoes. That is all I could do for you from here. Your loving son, Ahmed."