Saturday, May 13

The forbidden F-word

Muslims appear to have forgotten how to have F**. It's a very worrying trend. In fact, Muslims appear to go out of their way not to have F**, and with it we've lost our sense of humour too. Yes, the latest taboo is FUN!

Aaargh! I said it, fun, fun, fun. The Muslim community is adamant that we should have none of it, and in fact, that we should insist on being miserable.

I went to see a Muslim stand up comedian last night, a small Black American Muslim called Preacher Moss. He said he would tell people what he did and they would say "Astaghfirullah!" His routine had the audience in stitches, a young crowd who had probably worked hard all week, and were appreciating the chance to relax. The event was sponsored by a charity, and in his closing remarks the host said in his most Day-of-Judgement-is-nigh-voice "Remember! Excessive laughter weakens the soul". Er, hello! We're at a comedy evening!

Ms Yvonne Ridley too has joined the misery criers. She recently wrote a piece slating the sudden upsurge in boy bands. On this general point I have to agree with her. Her reason is that they are promoting haram activities (Muslim women swaying in the aisles and throwing their burqas on stage) which will spell the end of the known universe. My problem is that they are just so very bad that they make you cringe. Think Take That meets Sunday school children's nasheed group. She asks, how on earth a Muslim could ever even possibly consider the notion of thinking about having fun and relaxing, when there is so much suffering in the world? Because we're human, sister Yvonne? Because God made us so that we are recharged by a little humour and fun? OOPS! I said the F-word. Sorry. The guilt at having fun is almost enough to make you catholic.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The problem is many Muslims believe we should'nt have fun because many 'fun' things were not avaible in the Prophet's time, so how do we know whether we can have fun or not? Of course we can have fun, just look at a miserable person, they look like they need some 'fun'! It's just healthy, laughter is the best medicine after all. Theme parks are perfectly acceptable as long as you pray and dont enter the bars. Simple.

9:15 pm  
Blogger Ummer F said...

I heard that the afterlife will be somewhat opposite to what ones life was like.

My AVCE Science teacher, female in her 50-60s, taught me that I should be precise and concise. The words that are used in English are a mine field when it comes to precise and concise.

I believe one should write up a review on what fun means, perhaps a phd students theisis on the word or something like that. Or we could get a group of scholars that know the word fun, see what they say, then analyse what parts of fun are there. Sometimes, one persons fun might not mean another persons fun.

Then we should look at the Quran and the example of the prophet. With that we will see that balance is a major theme when trying to live life.

We would draw a balance line on a piece of paper, on side would be too little the other side too much. And perhaps another balance line with forbidden on one side and allowed in the middle and nessecary on the other.

I hope you get what I am saying.

We could also add a study showing fun vs science balance line. Where themes of mental, physical, environmental etc etc are shown.

We could also add balance lines for fun vs different different laws, perhaps even fun vs children balance line etc etc...

Though one must remember that simple language is the best way for a majority can understand such a study. A master of lingustic precision and consicion would be suited. I hear that a person with speach impediment was once applauded for his speeches. (IRF president)

10:09 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The guilt at having fun is almost enough to make you catholic." - this phrase means that unfortunately you know a little about Catholicism/Christianism. There is time to pray, to join a passion of Jesus Christ, there is time to joy over Resurrection and dance :)

10:31 pm  

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