Wednesday, November 5

Audacity of a non-American Dreamer

Audacity of a non-American dreamer

Yes we can
Make a change
Yes we can
Find a way
Yes we can
Have a dream
Yes we can
Make it real

Is it words?
That may be
Is it words?
We will see
Is it words?
It's in our hearts
Is it words?
That's where we start

It's not one man
That brought us here
It's not one man
That made it clear
It's not one man
That said it's now
It's all of us
That showed us how

Change can come
Our eyes have seen
Change can come
But does that mean
That change will come?
We'll wait and see
For change to come
Change we must be

Shelina Zahra Janmohamed

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Blogger Sofi said...

very apt. :)

12:18 pm  
Blogger Shelina Zahra Janmohamed said...

It's hard to know what to say at a time like this - which is emotional, historic and celebratory but when so much is still to come, so many promises still to be realised, and when so much is still unproven...

12:21 pm  
Blogger qunfuz said...

Of course, a black man in the Whitehouse, and such an intelligent, charismatic man, makes a great and hopeful moment for America. However, I fear imperial policies will continue as before. Obama's just appointed Emanuel Rahm, a man who complained that Bush was too harsh on Israel. At my blog I've written about my curmudgeonly pessimism. Let's not get carried away.

12:26 pm  
Blogger Unknown said...

I have the same fears, bottomline the American president is the personification of the countrys foreign policy and Obama is no exception, like i have mentioned in my blog, blind indoctrination to Obamas oratorical skills is laughable.

7:52 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

love is an understanding
and to understand need to know
and to know need to spend time
and to spend time need be living

for the more you know
then the more you understand

and the more you understand
then the more you love

white house

yeah.., paint it black now bro...

2:34 pm  

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