Thursday, June 1

Random nuclear thought

Why is it that the USA gets to decide which countries are "safe" to develop nuclear weapons and which ones prove a threat to the world? Is it because they would like to maintain their exclusive status of being the only country in history to have actually used not one, but two nuclear weapons on a civilian population?


Blogger Sarah said...

Asalaamu alaikum

Came across your blog. Very nice :)

America likes to be the world police. It's a job they've given to themself. Many hypocritical policies.

In America's views, the only countries allowed have to nuclear weapons should be Israel and the USA. If you go to my blog and search through my archives, there are two posts that could explain to you why, "Neo-Cons" and "Nuclear Threat."

Currently, the White House is run by Neo-Cons, whose main purpose is to serve and protect Israel. Even the war on Iraq, which was planned in the early 1990s, was to help secure Israel. Could write more, but I'll save you the boredom :P

9:31 pm  

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