The bully in the playground
Lebanese toll: 300 people have been killed and 500,000 displaced by the violence
Israeli toll: 29 Israelis dead
Is it still too early to stop these children being killed, injured, their lives torn?
Israel, with its superior military might and technology, seems to like picking on little children.
Pick on someone your own size.
The UN says almost a third of the dead and wounded are children
Israeli toll: 29 Israelis dead

Israel, with its superior military might and technology, seems to like picking on little children.
Pick on someone your own size.
The UN says almost a third of the dead and wounded are children
Shelina... the Muslim world wants more people like you, who are not afraid to voice their opinion.
I am a news fanatic and see lots of coverage and see how strong the Israel spokeswomen is when she comes and lamblasts we "Muslims".
The entire Muslim world is just sitting on their butts while their Muslim brethren are getting butchered.
The Muslim world (Saudia Government) should appoint/hire you as the spokeswoman for the Muslim community so you can be on all the news networks and be the Muslim voice to the world and give an eye for an eye to the Israeli spokeswoman.
I'm just recounting what other more "illustrious" people are already putting out in the media.
It is devastating to see that no country - and the "Muslim" countries are just as guilty if not more so - are doing nothing.
If you want me in the media - find me a suitable platform and role! All offers welcome :-)
Believe me if it were in my hands I would have you as the Muslim face to the world.
Although I am not a very intellectual person I have from my past experiences learnt that "being too close to anyone is harmful". I will give an example.. US being very close to Iraq/Saddam Husain 20 years ago.and see today what US has done. So if my wishes come true and they will. US's close proximity with Israel will sooner or later will turn sour (Inshallah). I hope it happens in my life time so I can see it and be glad that my prediction has come true.
For the Muslim world I have this to quote "Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high.." this is a quote from a poem I read a while ago.
Muslims need to get educated and be in the forefront and at least speak up like the way you do. "The pen is mightier than the sword". Keep up the good work you do.
It's good to see a variety of opinions out there (keep 'em coming, you can see my complaints about lack of voices saying what they really think elsewhere in the blog). Everyone has their own opinion and I'm pleased you are getting out there with yours.
If you think my blog is doing a good job, please send it through to your friends and get it out there. where did you hear about it?
perhaps i should have asked you first before posting the link to your blog but i enjoyed reading it alot so i thought i'd share it with others, i posted it on, links section so some members might be replying to a couple of your blogs!
Salam 'alaikum.
Shelina,nice blog, mashaAllah. Got it's link from my friend, another Shelina. It's good to have people like you.
The problem in Midle east is because of this beleif:
8) the land of Israel belongs to the Jews, it is the Promised Land. And since the arrival of the Jews, it has become a properous nation which shows that it is God's will that the Promised Land should belong to the Jews. Any opposition to it will result in the wrath of God and Israel Defence Forces.
Should I be daring? Let me be. The land of Palestine belongs to people who lived there until Zionists came and kicked those people from their homes. If some one comes to my house and says: sorry darling my holy book says it is my land, so get out of here - what do you think, will I say: oh sorry of course, just let me pack my underwear and I'm off..? Who would??
If a person is driven from her home, why are people so surprised that she is fighting to get her home back?
It is right of everybody to claim his own property. No one can deny this right.
Why should Palestinian refugees abandon this right? They were kicked from their own homes.
Why don't people understand this?
To recognize Israel - this is required from Palestinians.
The occupier demands recognition from people of the land she is occupying. How ironical.
It is very sad, that occupied land is not recognized by international community, but occupier is.
It is said: you will not be recognized, oh you people of Palestine, until you recognize your occupier.
If majority of people agrees with this, the problem in Middle East will remain.
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