Can swimwear be Islamic?

I popped along to Islamexpo at the weekend along with several thousand other people. One of the things that caught my eye was a range of Islamic sportswear and swimwear for Muslim women, designed for the active hijab wearing Muslim woman. Check it out here.
Her marketing blurb is slick - and also on target. Muslim sportswomen, whether amateur or professional are always focused on for the "Muslim" part of their identity, before people turn to their enthusiasm, success and talent in their chosen sport. She's identified a huge gap in the market.
She's chosen to address it through clothing. But she prompts more interesting wider questions about general sporting facilities and participation for Muslim women. Where are the encouragement and the facilities?
I remain sceptical about the idea of swimwear. When you go into the water, Ahiida's designs are excellent. But when you come out of the water, your clothing is still skin tight, and although you are covered from head to foot, it's the clinginess that is problematic, in my humble opinion. But maybe the design has some inflatable bubbles you can activate when you exit the water so your shape is hidden till the swimsuit dries out?
But make up your own minds at
Was reading the muslim news yesterday and saw your link and thought i'd check it out, some good topics you have posted!
"But maybe the design has some inflatable bubbles you can activate when you exit the water so your shape is hidden till the swimsuit dries out?"
I have to agree with you, i don't see the swimming wear as islamic, and even if they did impliment a suddenly activation of bubbles, can you imagine just coming out of a pool and inflatingits a bit scary if you ask me.
btw, it takes a little while to get everyones opinions, give it a few more blogs and you'll be inundated with comments!
. But maybe the design has some inflatable bubbles you can activate when you exit the water so your shape is hidden till the swimsuit dries out?
lol That's a cool idea! Wonder what that would look like.
My photography teacher and I were discussing something once. He had photographs of topless women, etc. And I said something along the lines of, "Isn't your wife offended of you taking such pictures?" (the pictures were from MardiGras, New Orleans), and he said "No, I am not excited by these things." And then he said, "Anyway, I've been to the Middle East many times, and what men do find very sexy is when a woman with a long white skirt and white blouse comes out of the ocean or is walking along the beach and you can see her silhouette."
My teacher was Greek, but fluent in many Middle Eastern languages and was a photographer there for many years. Well, that's what he said. I thought it was interesting. Of course, this is an American man. I wonder if Muslim men's opinions would differ...
Sarah, I would sadly concur with the views of your teacher on this matter. Many such fools are apprehended at the local beaches here. I have also seen a rise in uslim opting for swimwear similar to the one above but most of them are very cautious when entering the water.
it's interesting to see what is considered "appealing" or evocative in women's dress. Women - i believe - have a responsibility for modesty - as do men - but a lot of men really need to clean up their acts!
just looking thru your blog, this particular post reminded me of something i witnessed recently.
i was at a muslim community event, i noticed a muslimah in a strange outfit, she wore a nikaab with just her eyes visible but an ill fitting(by this i mean too tight) shalwaar and kameez.For a moment i thought of approaching her to inform her that her kameez had been lifted,leaving little to the imagination.
I waited to see if any of the sisters present who were sniggering and pointing would let her know, when no one did, i made my way across gingerly but as i drew closer i realised her kameez had been cut in an acute angle and was a deliberate effect of her costume..............
Hi Have you checked out
check out for the BEST swimwear. All my friends and even my mother wear these swimsuits.
They are truly fantastic!!
The materials (Spandex/Lycra)used in modern swimwear does not cling to your body when you come out of the water. Some swimsuits used a few layers (for example, you wear a loose blouse over a jumpersuit). This will help to "hide" your body shape. But it won't help if the wearers put on a tight swimwear! They should buy slightly bigger sizes to achieve a modest objective. There are many online stores selling modern swimwear for Muslimahs. You can try (very affordable) and (stylish but expensive). Just my two cents worth.
I bought one at the GPU and I'm very happy with it. It does stick to the body a little when your leave the pool but a quick tug of the swimsuit and the water comes straight off as it's almost completely waterproof. I wear a hijaab so stopped swimming when I couldn't find the right costume. check out or well worth the investment
Allah made your body. What should b wrong with showing its shape?
Glad to see that those who don't like Muslims have such, erm, 'delightful' manners. Speaks for itself i think
Hello, There is another great website for muslim swimwear called Acquagym Sportwear at:
Mine should arrive in about a week, I will put it to the test and let you know.
Have you seen Acquagym, please acess
wow! this has just turned into an advertising fest for swimwear!
Personally I wouldnt consider these swimwear islamic in a mixed environment but think they are good for perserving your modesty whilst swimming with other women. It often seems forgotten that there are limits in the way we dress around women too!
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