Thursday, October 19

A brief malaise interlude

I'm feeling uninspired today. The news was depressing and I felt futile again (can a person feel futile??). More about cluster bombs dropped by Israel in southern Lebanon which will mainly be cleared by the end of 2008, but will remain for decades, destroying a few civilians busy growing olives here and there. Then Cameron, leaked report, blah blah, policies, blah blah, tax cuts, but not necessarily blah blah blah. Floated round the internet a bit to see if there was anything contemporary and remotely lighthearted, but nothing. Discovered that Evander Holyfield was born on this day in 1962, and that in 1765 in the US the Stamp Act Congress met and drew up a declaration of rights and liberties. (no, not the Declaration of Independence, this day was not that exciting).


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