Friday, October 20

Welcome to Spirit21
They say that there is a glass ceiling for me because (as Michael Moore would put it) I am not a stupid white man. Another they says I should temper my passions and desires, my dreams and ambitions because I am not a brown be-turbaned man. Some Theys say that I should fight my oppression, that I should rout it and defy it. Some say I face no oppression, that I should be happy that I am blessed and should accept my fortunate and happy lot. If you are not with us, they say, you are with the others, and they are wrong.
Spirit21 is a space to bring colour to this monochromatic world. I don't believe that black or white are the only options. Why not pinks, blues, yellows or browns? I am not us, nor am I Other.
I am me

Previous Posts
- A brief malaise interlude
- Muslim students more liberal and tolerant
- Forget veils - check out these doilies!
- Time out for some reflection during the nights of ...
- The pitfalls of the Passenger Profiling Mindset
- October 23rd will be an interesting day
- Please call the media to find out why white men wi...
- Veils are more scary than explosives - media overl...
- Veil humour
- Untangling the issues beneath the veil

Spirit21 Blog by Shelina Zahra Janmohamed is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at
Shelina, on The Agenda (Islam Channel) sister Yvonne Ridley said she sopke to an editor of a newspaper (can't remember which one), but the theory that was going round was that Tony Blair knowing he has lost the muslim vote has now gone chasing for the votes of the fasicts. That is why so much is being said by Labour about muslims, so that they are seen to be a party worth voting for as it will deal with Asains/Muslims. Would explain a lot!
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