Monday, January 15

Channel 4's Dispatches - Undercover Mosque

I'm beginning to wonder two things about today's Dispatches which was yet another programme about Muslims - have they been taken over by the Daily Mail, and did someone forget to tell them that we're no longer in the mid-eighties or nineties but in the mid-noughties?

The programme on tonight was called "Undercover Mosque" which was based around some undercover reporting in two mosques (out of about 1600 that currently exist in the UK, which is less than one tenth of one per cent of all mosques) that shockingly revealed extremist views amongst a select band of preachers who all had in common a connection with Saudi Arabia. The programme's raison d'etre was "how a message of hatred and segregation is being spread throughout the UK and examines how it is influenced by the religious establishment of Saudi Arabia".

This is not news. The Saudis have been exporting this brand of Islam for decades, under the ever watchful eye of its 'allies'. The Wahabbi flavour of Islam is well known to Saudi Arabia's politcal allies and has actually been used as a form of social control in less pliant Muslim countries. It has been bubbling angrily throughout the Muslim community in the UK for years and years. I have grown up with it. And I have grown up with the Muslim community's efforts to counter it and bring shades of compassion and humanity to its stark and uncompromising message.

This is not new and therefore this is not news. I say it again. And the programme's tabloid-esque approach to flashing up statements from a few individuals, and then placing them in the context of mainstream organisations, and then self-righteously stating the responses from the organisations to make it look like they were defensively denying something that was true is gutter journalism at its worst. You don't need an undercover reporter to tell you what was 'uncovered'. It's all apparent and public domain information.

It was hard to feel angry at the specific point the programme was making - about the harsh message of the Saudi funded message. The Muslim community in the UK, and round the world, has grown up with it in the latter years of the last century. It's true, Wahabbi Islam is puritanical and tough. We already knew this. But what did make me very cross were the subtle and not so subtle messages that somehow the whole muslim community is tainted by it, that extremism is widespread, that Islam and Muslims are evil and full of hate and duplicitous. Why does Channel 4 choose to stir up these messages to create hatred? Is it OK to cast a whole community in this light?

Dispatches has an awful lot to answer for, and I'm frustrated and disappointed that a programme that being broadcast on a mainstream and once respected TV channel has resorted to such a simplistic portrayal of a complex and sensitive issue that is of such high impact and profile.

Navigating our way through the current political and social issues that involve Islam and Muslims requires intelligence and understanding on all parts. This comic book approach only serves to perpetuate and entrench ignorance amongst those who are not Muslims, and to frustrate, anger and dishearten those Muslims who truly are dedicated to a balanced, tolerant and fruitful social dialogue.

I wonder why Dispatches didn't do an 'undercover' investigation of Channel 4's Shariah TV programme. You'll find that one of the guests on the panel was none other than a scholar from the very same Green Lane Mosque in Birmingham, and General Secretary of the conservative Muslim organisation Markazi Jamiat Ahl-e-Hadith (based at the mosque) which was the mosque which formed the heart of the programme.
One sided hate-stirring sensationalism perhaps?

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I have grown up with it. And I have grown up with the Muslim community's efforts to counter it and bring shades of compassion and humanity to its stark and uncompromising message."

Let us know when "you" have succeded.
Until then it will remain news.
BTW.They only seem to have monitored a few mosques so it's no point quoting percentages, the point is,how many of the other mosques would have yielded similar results

9:49 am  
Blogger Shelina Zahra Janmohamed said...

The Saudis have been exporting these messages for over twenty years under your nose. If you've not noticed it's because you probably haven't cared about the havoc it's been wreaking round the world and on these very shores. This is the message that the Taliban are built on, the Saudis are built on, the extreme groups within Pakistan and Sudan and so many other countries including this one. The Taliban and the Wahabbi messages were happily supported by countries including the UK because the people who suffered were too troublesome to their foreign policies and were too far away for us to worry about. Wake up and show some honesty instead of surprise. If you really cared about this you would have responded to this news a long long time ago.

8:43 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11:26 pm  
Blogger Shelina Zahra Janmohamed said...

I'm confused why you've responded with this article. It's completely irrelevant here. And you epitomise the very problem - mixing up all the different issues with little intelligence or analysis. "Let's just throw lots of stuff up about the odd person here or there so a whole group of people are tainted." It's cheap and lacking in the qualities required to live as harmonious human beings trying to understand each other.

The cleric you have brought up is of course totally wrong and out of order. His views are abhorred by all Islamic principles and he is completely and utterly unacceptable in his views to Muslims. What is your point? I can list you pages of men and women from all varieties of faiths that have not only preached but also practised vile crimes. I refrain from doing so out of courtesy to those who are trying their best to be good people and live good lives.

11:37 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you can't see the relevance I'm very sorry.
This "cleric" as you call him,is not some ordinary bloke in the street he is THE Mufti of Australia and New Zealand and is doing nothing but inflame passions on both sides.His latest statements are merely the cherry on the cake of twenty odd years of anti-semitic,homophobic,and anti-Western rhetoric.
If the Catholic Cardinal of Australia or Anglican Archbishop or ,heaven forbid the Chief Rabbi,were to have made similar statements they would have been mercilessly pilloried.
This man is considered a Moderate(whatever that means).
Dream on.

12:05 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was interesting to note in the credits of the programme that a certain Martin Bright was a "Consultant" to the production.

7:23 pm  
Blogger Shelina Zahra Janmohamed said...

The cleric in question was never chosen by Australian Muslims as a 'mufti'. His comments are abhorrent and totally at odds with the spirit and letter of Islam.

Are you mentioning here to suggest that all Muslims are like him?

7:48 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a Muslim who watched the programme, I for one am glad that Channel 4 have shed light on this ugly facet of the UK Islamic community. Why? Because it might spur the so-called leadership of UK mosques to do something to curtail it.

In my opinion these people are just like repugnant Xenophobic far-right groups, only they are on the "other side".

This is not to say that the program escapes any and all critisism. I for one did not like the way they edited some of the speeches. They seem to have "compressed" words together like something a comedian like Chris Morris might do to a George W. Bush speech. It also means we did not get the context in which some of the strong statements were made.

I suspect Shelina that you wrote this blog post right after watching the program. I would chill for a little while and reflect on things. Saying it is "not news" is just because you do not like it is going to loose you any credibility with people.

Take care,

8:16 pm  
Blogger Shelina Zahra Janmohamed said...

I agree with you, and if you re-read carefully what I wrote, you'll see that that what I'm opposed to is the sensationalism of the programme - as though only they have picked up this terrible phenomenon.

The Saudi brand has done unacceptable damage to the Muslim community - I for one have been assaulted by such clerics and proponents of such venom in a verbal as well as physical way. It is absolutely right that such individuals and organisations are targeted.

My issue though is the subtext of this programme and the ongoing agenda of Dispatches and so many other media organisations to stir up malevolent feelings against Muslims by couching such 'findings' in the framework of "they keep telling us they are moderate, but look!! they are deceiving us and they are all bad evil people."

The Wahabbi message has been out there for decades, and frankly has been supported by various governments. Now suddenly it's news and suddenly all Muslims are secretly harbouring these vile views? The reason I say it is not news is - not because these views are not wrong, they are absolutely totally and utterly wrong - but because news has to be new by definition and has to involve some element of unfolding and discovery. These views have been in the public domain since I can remember - more than twenty perhaps even thirty years - and the materials are widely available for anyone to pick up. Why do you think such anger exists in the Muslim community?

Channel 4 could have filmed this programme two, twelve or twenty two years ago, but they choose to do it now in amongst a torrent of anti-Muslim sentiment.

The views held by the individuals showcased on this programme are wrong. WRONG. WRONG.

But Channel 4 bills the programme as follows: "A Dispatches reporter attends mosques run by organisations whose public faces are presented as moderate ...".

The gauntlet of suspicion and doubt is thus laid at the doorstep of all Muslims. It is as best naive to think otherwise.

8:35 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Totally agree with Sister Shelina on this issue!
Most Western governments in the past seemed extremely keen to accommodate those Wahabis, to receive their petro-dollars to build mosques and questionable "cultural centres", to win some weapon-exporting contract, etc.
Closing an eye on their fierce anti-western rethoric was not a problem, there was always a hefty bribe to silence them.
Now they use the same Wahabis to scapegoat all Muslims and justify their illegal Iraqi occupation.
That documentary should have also shown the peaceful and tolerant face of Islam.
The way it was done, it was really poisonous crap.
The BNP and other far-right bigots must have laughed their hearts out.


Sister Francesca

6:17 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was horrified by the program and am glad to be informed of what goes on, even if it is a minority. Such things are not well known amongst the general non muslim community. I hope by highlighting this, these people will be removed from the country or locked up for stirring up hatred. As a gay man, I am extremely concerned about things that were being preached. The poeple hightlighted in the film are nothing but evil and don't deserve human rights. They should be considered as criminals and harm the reputation of good muslims. My concern is that there may be more people like them. I also cannot understand how they get into the UK in the first place. Why do we want them here?

1:11 pm  
Blogger Shelina Zahra Janmohamed said...

What was shown is absolutely horrifying, and I would assure you that this is really a minority that behaves this way - a very tiny minory.

The problem is that our government, and the US government happily support Saudi Arabia and its exporting of these ideas, and have turned a blind eye for far too long and refuse to do anything about it. So we all suffer the consequences, but our governments do nothing to stop the causes.

11:17 am  
Anonymous Khattak09 said...

There's nothing wrong with the 'wahabbi flavour of islam' as you call it, infact, thats true islam. Don't discriminate against the Taliban, as what they are doing is more than right. Protecting their country against any sort of western influence, and practising their religion PROPERLY. Unlike most muslims, who'd do almost anything for non-muslims including destryoing their own country (pakistan).

12:17 pm  
Blogger Shelina Zahra Janmohamed said...

Khattak09, when I was in the haram in Mecca, I spent time just like other pilgrims, reading the Qur'an. I like to do this with an English translation. One of the guards was so angry with my English translation that despite the fact that I explained in very intelligible language that this was a Qur'an he forcibly pulled the Qur'an out of my hand and threw it behind him. On another occasion, also in the haram, I was stuck near the kaba when adhan was called. As I tried to move away from the centre, the lines for prayer started forming - I was trying to move, but because everyone was sitting down it was hard to make quick progress. The Wahabbi guards started yelling at me from all sides - instead of helping me - and then started hitting me on the head. Finally, I also heard these same people who saw pilgrims of different sects from them referring to them loudly as 'kafir' and as 'donkeys' in the house of God.

If the Prophet came to perfect human etiquette then I don't believe that this 'wahabbi flavour' is the pure islam, given the presentation they have made of the faith. Of course you may argue that these are individuals, not the whole community and I would agree, but I think calling itself 'True Islam' suggests that you believe this is acceptable instead of respecting other's point of view.

12:28 pm  
Anonymous Khattak09 said...

I'm glad you like to read the Quran in english,shows you understand the actual meaning.
Only Allah (swt) knows what happend when you went to Mecca. Shouldn't have have happened. But arabs do tend look down on others of different races.

I do believe that the Wahabbi way of Islam is acceptable, the right way, but, i also respect other's point of view. Just had to disagree with the way you were portrayin the wahabbi sect as 'arab'. Lots of other races follow the same.

Hope you don't mind me asking, are you bengali??

12:56 pm  
Blogger Shelina Zahra Janmohamed said...

You'll have to read my book to find out the answer to that ;-)

"Love in a Headscarf"

1:01 pm  
Anonymous Khattak09 said...

That's a ladies book though. I'm a man! lol, u got email?

1:06 pm  
Blogger Shelina Zahra Janmohamed said...

Of course it's not a ladies book. You should get a copy and read it, then see what you think...

1:07 pm  
Anonymous Khattak09 said...

I'll get a copy if you tell me what you are..? :P

I'm half pashtun and english.

1:18 pm  

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