The Non-Existent War Against Christmas
Why suddenly all the conspiracy theories that there is a "war against Christmas"? Was it instigated by our friends at Fox News? In which case, of course, it must be true. It's all nonsense.
Who on earth is offended by a good celebration which brings the community together? It seems that this has been created out of nowhere and designed to stir up a fuss. Nobody is against people celebrating Christmas. It's a shame though that there is so much pressure to spend huge amounts of money, buy the most expensive presents, to look glamorous, and to go out and "party party party" just to be seen to be doing it. It would be nice too, to see Christmas really reclaimed for its true Christian meaning, and a communal thought paid to love and goodwill to all human beings rather than just being a huge shopping-eating-partying-drunken-fest.
Looks like the War on Christmas is yet another made-up War...

And here's the Daily Show coverage of the War against Christmas:
Who on earth is offended by a good celebration which brings the community together? It seems that this has been created out of nowhere and designed to stir up a fuss. Nobody is against people celebrating Christmas. It's a shame though that there is so much pressure to spend huge amounts of money, buy the most expensive presents, to look glamorous, and to go out and "party party party" just to be seen to be doing it. It would be nice too, to see Christmas really reclaimed for its true Christian meaning, and a communal thought paid to love and goodwill to all human beings rather than just being a huge shopping-eating-partying-drunken-fest.
Looks like the War on Christmas is yet another made-up War...

And here's the Daily Show coverage of the War against Christmas:
Oliver Burkemanpg The Guardian agrees:,,1967198,00.html
I don't think we need a Muslim to tell us about the true spirit of Christmas. Go eat a pork sandwich.
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