Friday, November 23

Not in my name - a preview

We're not responsible for the behaviour of all Muslims, so why are we constantly berated for what happens abroad? Should Muslims constantly be asked to denounce what other Muslim individuals or states do, even though we have no control over them? In an upcoming article, due to be published next week in The Muslim News, I'm stating "Not in My Name", and exploring some of these questions. If you come back here on the 30th of November, you'll be able to read the whole piece which looks at July 7th, a recent case in Saudi Arabia as well as Holocaust Memorial Day. In the meantime, here is a teaser-taster for you...

When I recently read the story of a 19-year-old Saudi woman who was gang-raped 14 times, I felt nauseous. I was disgusted. The victim had also been sentenced to 90 lashes for breaking the Saudi rule that men and women who are not related should not be together. For the first time - as I wrote on my blog - I found myself writing the words, Not In My Name.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

"We're not responsible for the behaviour of all Muslims.."
Meanwhile most of muslims (including you i guess) said that all muslims are brother. So every muslims should also feel what other muslims pain.(the reason why in indonesia extremist keep growing).

So if all muslims also feel other muslims pain, why don't muslims also feel the same responsibility for other muslims action?

I am from Indonesia myself. And my english was not really good. Sorry about that.

But next time you come to Indonesia, try visits West Java. Then find out how many Churches has been closed by Indonesian Islam group.

If you're think this is unfair for what people think about muslims in british just because a single muslim action, then congratulation.. That exactly what Indonesian christians or chatolic feel in Indonesia, for what US, UK, etc do to Iraq, Palestine, etc..

You'll know how to threat minorities when you're minorities..

Actually, I want to use your tag too (Not in my name). But if use that on my blog, maybe i'll be attacked soon by some Islamic group.

Btw, nice to know you.

*sorry, can't give my blog URL. Next time maybe..

God bless U..

10:07 pm  
Blogger Shelina Zahra Janmohamed said...

Whilst I was in Indonesia I did in fact visit a church, although no service was happening at the time.

I don't agree with the actions of Muslims who close churches. Islam is very clear about giving people the freedom to choose their own faith and worship according to their religion. Closing churches is wrong.

10:15 pm  

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