Wednesday, February 11

Spirit21 celebrates its 3rd birthday

Over the weekend Spirit21 was three years old, and it's been an exciting three years! This year has been packed full of new year resolutions, conferences and some thinking about Palestine and about love. You can read what happened in 2008, as well as a few thoughts I've had previously about birthdays.

Over these years since I first dipped my toe into the blogosphere, and into the wider world of the media, I've been asked constantly to write a memoir of my experiences as a Muslim woman. I've been asked to share the honesty, humour and insight that I try and put into my articles in a book. And this weekend, just as we celebrate Spirit21's third birthday, I will be announcing the publication of my first book, called "Love in a Headscarf".

You can read more about it at

And for those of you who are in and about London you are invited to the launch on Friday evening at the City Circle.

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Blogger amazingsusan said...

Hey Shelina, congratulations on the third birthday of your great blog.

12:50 pm  
Blogger Jana said...

Salaam! I can't wait to get my hands on your book; something like this is sorely needed in the UK - can't belive I missed the launch!

11:45 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ASA Shelina,
I opened the Globe and Mail this morning in Ottawa (Canada) and was delighted to read about your book!It was a breath of fresh air!!
I look forward to the read!!

2:12 pm  
Blogger Shelina Zahra Janmohamed said...

Hi Deeba

Wow! exciting that it's made it over to ottawa. Do you have a link to the article that you could send over? what was the piece titled?


3:37 pm  

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