Thursday, June 1

Important World Cup football questions

With the World Cup upon us, Muslims have to ask some serious questions: If football is a new religion, is it compatible with being Muslim? I'm waiting to see a flurry of pre-World Cup rulings from our esteemed clerics pronouncing upon whether it is permissible to pray for your national team, or if it is necessary to support the Muslim countries in the tournament as a priority. I'm sure there will be a swarm of bans on watching the muscular men run around in shorts - although I'd be all up for pronouncing against all that wrapping legs round each other hugging post scoring a goal stuff. (what is that about?)

And if indeed football is the new religion, and if in the unlikely event that one of the three Muslim teams - Iran, Saudi Arabia or Tunisia - actually won the tournament by some miracle, would Hizb-ut-Tahrir proclaim that a football Khilafah had been established and that the Muslim winning team could bring about peace, justice and football according to Islamic rules?

Seriously, what are the chances of an all-Muslim country final, with Iran, Saudia Arabia or Tunisia?


Blogger Mindscriber said...

Some Good points on the World Cup issue, it reminds me of 1998 when Zidane from France got sent off against Saudi Arabia, according to one Muslim the reason he got sent off was that as France were winning 3 - 0 and because he was Muslim he felt bad inflicting pain on his fellow Muslims, hence he deliberately fouled to get sent off.

BTW my blog site is i've put a link for your site.

2:51 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

""" although I'd be all up for pronouncing against all that wrapping legs round each other hugging post scoring a goal stuff"""

Excuse me thats the best bit! And the only bit Islamic Scholars would approve off. It's not as if they are wrapping their legs round women. That would be HARAM really HARAM.

Sometimes you should just let men enjoy themselves. (Female Football Supporter)

8:46 pm  

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