Friday, July 21

The disproptionate attacks increase

Lebanese toll: more than 330
Israeli toll: 34
source: BBC

Cartoon: Peter Brooks in the TimesOnline


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lebanon has been crippled and has been brought down to its knees. US will not intervene to bring a ceasefire. They are watching and having fun.

How about the Saudia Government announces that it will stop all oil production indefinetly until Israel moves out of Lebanon & Gaza, return all captured Muslims and last but not the least pay USD 1 Billion each to Lebanon & Palestine for ruining their infrastructure. For every day this is not agreed upon the stakes increase by USD 1 Billion.

See the fun then.. Condi Rice will be in Israel in the next flight and see that they get out once and for all.

US & Israel will be then at their knees begging and pleading for oil production to start.

12:24 pm  

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