Monday, August 14

No words required


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have tried posting a comment several times already with some questions that I would have liked some answers to. But clearly you have recently started censoring your little blog ey? Are you just too good to answer the questions? Or do you just not allow for any comments coming from Israel? As it is you leave me with no other choice but to assume the worst of you, ie that you CANT asnwer the questions because you refuse to be even slightly self-critical. I guess its always easier to blame the Jews ey?

One more thing....why post these pictures exactly? Thousands of tragedies exactly like this one occur every day in every part of the world. What is your point? I have yet to find a single religious Muslim to post pictures of Jews suffering like this or, even worse, the people in Darfur. Remember, there is an actual genocide going on there???!!!
Brutalities that make this look positively pathetic are occuring there every single day. But who gives a shit about black people or what exactly is your attitude?

Nope I guess you just dont care about non-Muslim blood. If not you might want to at least mention the tragedy of the situation in Iran or Saudi Arabia where innocent women (and men) are executed due to Sharia law regulations?

But hey, blaming the Jews or foreign policy is always more convenient than a little bit of self-criticism I guess...

3:14 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this is so stupid and pointless
u r soooo wack!!!!

11:21 pm  
Blogger Shelina Zahra Janmohamed said...

What can i possibly say to someone who looks at pictures of death and says "you are so wack". Manners, please! We're British!

11:46 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

omg i cant believe someone would look at these images and critizes them and say they aren't important. that is the most trajic thing i have ever seen, and you call it nothing!!!! get real.

3:31 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"If not you might want to at least mention the tragedy of the situation in Iran or Saudi Arabia where innocent women (and men) are executed due to Sharia law regulations?"
now i'd like to kick the ass of whoever made such a stupid generalization.

12:20 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you talk about different kind of situation.
I think before you judge Shariah you have to read about and look to history, by the way since 1400 years when they implemented in a good manner not as no a days.
also its not acceptable to see this kind of killing then say it doesnt matter I always say if people put them self of other choose they feel of them for sure!!!! I am right?

8:34 am  

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