Wednesday, August 9

The Break-Up, what a let down

This is a warning to all of you to save your hard-earned pennies and avoid going to see The Break Up with Vince Vaughn and Jennifer Aniston. She doesn't look good, and he's not funny. In fact, we were so depressed after seeing this film that hubby and I nearly decided to call it quits and go our separate ways. There is nothing wise, romantic or funny about this film. The only reason I can see that it was made was to force people back to the cinema to watch another film to erase its existence from their memory.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought the opposite. I found this to be a very good film exactly because it is not funny and a happy-go-lucky Hollywood piece of crap. It was honest about relationships not only with couples but between people as a whole. This honesty and portrayal of reality might have been a bit too much for some but it showed me both positive and negative parallels and differences of my own life.

Maybe watch dumb and dumber or American Pie if you can't handle reality?

9:29 am  
Blogger Shelina Zahra Janmohamed said...

I agree, it certainly tried to blow the myth of the happy Hollywood fairy tale, however, the emotions didn't have the depth of reality of break up. First of all, there was no logic to why the two characters were together - they had nothing in common and no chemistry, and so there didn't appear to be any underlying reason for tension, highs and lows and most importantly it wasn't convincing that they should fight for each other or really care if it fell apart. The characters were very one-dimensional and only occasionally did they show any flicker of real emotion or development. I got that it wasn't a happy ending film, but it didn't achieve the moving reality film it was aiming for.

1:39 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I might be biased, since I am currently going through a pretty rough break-up myself (no it was in no way triggered by this film, the process started months ago). As such, I was surprised at how realistic the emotions protrayed actually were.

It was precisely the illogicalness of the two protagonists' fight and their subsequent behaviour that seemed eerily familiar to me. You should consider yourself lucky if the scene with the lemons and the washing up does not bear any resemblance to the film, but please accept the fact that this film does speak for many relationships. There is seldom much logic involved in break-ups I find. Raw emotions frequently exclude even the slightest possibility of thinking logically. (Portrayed quite well in the film I find)

I do agree however with one of your comments regarding the film: The fact that those two people were actually a couple seemed very unrealistic to me. Differing interests and lack of sexual attraction would have not allowed them to persue a relationship from the start. But on the other hand, what was that about attractive women always going out with unattractive guys?

9:01 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I actually went to see this film because I am going through a very tough and extended break-up/not-break-up period and all I wanted to do was to see a film that was senseless and didnt require switching on my brain.

So I went and chose the 'Aniston' film because I honestly thought that would be another stupid, romantic, silly and brainless little comedy. I was sadly dissappointed when I realized that this was anything but a harmless little comedy. It was more like a piece of reality, disconcertingly close to my own. Of course anyone can make anything apply to themselves if they really try hard (alright chantelle, maybe NOT dumb&dumber...)but in this case I have to say that Aniston did not act in the usual 'look-and-laugh-at-me-and-my-tits' manner. do not go to see this film when in a break-up crisis and do NOT expect the usual Hollywood comedy

12:40 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

there is a rumour btw about Jenifer Aniston and Vince Vaughn being engaged... seems just as wrong as in the film somehow but here ya go:
Aniston&Vaughn engaged?

12:19 pm  

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