Tuesday, August 8

Who is the victim?

If I hadn't heard it with my own ears I wouldn't have believed it. Netenyahu on prime time UK radio yesterday calling the actions of the Lebanese "Hitler-ian". He went on to compare the current crisis with World War II.

Poor, poor victimised Israel, he wept between the lines. Here we are being bombed by a country we have invaded and are occupying. We have the most sophisticated army in the Middle East, we occupy the land of three of our neighbours, we are not allowing aid to the civilians of the country we are occupying and attacking, we have caused almost a million people to be displaced. Stop them firing their rockets (but we won't!).

A country resisting invasion is like Hitler? Did I miss something in history class? If I remember, Hitler invaded other countries and then illegally detained civilians and killed millions of them.

Hitler-ian? Like World War II?

How crazy is this?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It boggles the mind.
How can a militia that revels in Nazi salutes during its mass demonstrations, that lobs some thousands rockets at civilian targets, whose leader says that (and I quote) "If they all gather in Israel, it will save us the trouble of going after them worldwide" - be called "hitlerian"?

That's evil Zionist propaganda at work, that is. Poor, poor slandered Hizbullah.

9:50 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well what can I say...People say explicitly that they are being victimized and apparently they r the oppressors in other lands!. Has there been any change in history??.

People 'I' claiming they are being exterminated by ppl 'M'...when 'M' retaliates or defends they are termed as "T's"...Has there been any change in that??

Now 'W' the allies of 'I' want to do good to both 'I' n 'M', but end of the day champion the causes of 'I' implicitly n most of the times explicitly.Has there been any change in that??

End of the day... nothing changes, You ask Y? Each of them points to the other n most of the times to 'M' !! where U n me n UN just sit n watch the show of fireworks n art of modern warfare and not to forget the intellectual masturbations in the form of 'TALKS!',in the background.


7:20 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well what can I say...People say explicitly that they are being victimized and apparently they r the oppressors in other lands!. Has there been any change in history??.

People 'I' claiming they are being exterminated by ppl 'M'...when 'M' retaliates or defends they are termed as "T's"...Has there been any change in that??

Now 'W' the allies of 'I' want to do good to both 'I' n 'M', but end of the day champion the causes of 'I' implicitly n most of the times explicitly.Has there been any change in that??

End of the day... nothing changes, You ask Y? Each of them points to the other n most of the times to 'M' !! where U n me n UN just sit n watch the show of fireworks n art of modern warfare and not to forget the intellectual masturbations in the form of 'TALKS!',in the background.


7:26 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well what can I say...People say explicitly that they are being victimized and apparently they r the oppressors in other lands!. Has there been any change in history??.

People 'I' claiming they are being exterminated by ppl 'M'...when 'M' retaliates or defends they are termed as "T's"...Has there been any change in that??

Now 'W' the allies of 'I' want to do good to both 'I' n 'M', but end of the day champion the causes of 'I' implicitly n most of the times explicitly.Has there been any change in that??

End of the day... nothing changes, You ask Y? Each of them points to the other n most of the times to 'M' !! where U n me n UN just sit n watch the show of fireworks n art of modern warfare and not to forget the intellectual masturbations in the form of 'TALKS!',in the background.


7:28 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess it makes a difference at least from the usual Bush=Hitler Blair=Hitler Israel=Nazis crap...

Yes Yes I know what you are thinking...you are thinking about the invasion of Iraq and imperialism and all that shit yes? Well let me tell you that I personally see Islam's superiority complex as more imperialistic than trying to install democracy in the Middle East.

Furthermore, you want to know what else Hitler did? He had disabled people and homosexuals killed. Now guess what's happening in the Palestinian territories! If you can't you might want to take a look at this link

I would imagine that if Palestinian actions (and fundamentalist-Sharia-law-abiding actions)
can be seen as 'Hitlerism' than so can
Hezbollah actions.(Exactly what did he say about the Lebanese btw? As far as I know he was chatting about Hizballah...)

It might make everyone realize just how stupid such arguments are! And maybe people will shut up and think a bit more in the future when they carry on accusing the same old people of the same crimes as Hitler!

Go criticse whats happening in Darfur as Hitlerism if you like, where Arabs are killing blacks (ie Muslims killing Non-Muslims) in Sudan, having wiped out about 500.000 people over the last year. Or does the world really not care about REAL genocide anymore because it's easier to belong to the mass of mindless, regurgitating sheep-people, with nothing to offer but stereotypical world views and stereotypical 'enemy' images?

9:59 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What do you mean "stop them firing their rockets (but we wont)" ?? Israel has shown itself to be perfectly able to keep itself from attacking neighbours who prevent the militants from attacking it. The problem is the largely accepted "we will wipe them off the map" attitudes of multiple militant groups, supported by various bodies and even governments in the region. When Israel signed the peace deal with Lebanon a few years ago, part of the deal was that Lebanon would do its part to prevent these groups acting against Israel. This is something Lebanon has unfortunately has been unable to do, and in particular Hezbollah have clearly been rearming ready to launch an attack then have 5000 rockets ready and in the border to fire into Israel. Coincidence ? Nope, the whole thing was planned by Hezbollah (seen ludicrously by many who support it in the area as having _driven_ Israel out of S. Lebanon) and only lunatics would not be reacting as Israel has been. To wait would just have been to wait for even bigger attacks further into Israel.

9:26 pm  
Blogger Shelina Zahra Janmohamed said...

I like the way the Israeli internet reservists (who like to be anonymous!) hope that no-one actually knows what is happening in reality in Lebanon and Palestine when Israel says that it has withdrawn. You haven't withdrawn, you're still there. Why don't you return the thousdands of Lebanese detainees you have?

Hezbollah only exists because you invaded Lebanon in 1982. Armed resistance to an invading force is a legal and moral right.

In case anyone's forgotten it is Israel who is in Lebanon. From all of the Israeli propaganda you might think it's the other way round.

Israel has been importing arms in preparation for this conflict well before the two soldiers who were the pretext for this invasion were taken. (And by the way, they seem to have been completely forgotten). Otherwise why were weapons being rushed to Israel from the US which were apparently "pre-ordered".

Next I'm sure you're going to say that "We're being hit by 200 rockets a day, what do you expect us to do?".

All I can conclude is that the Israeli propaganda arm really truly believes what it is saying, and cannot see the "other" as a human being?

When I hear the pro-Israeli lobby on the radio, the news, in print, the arguments extend to including everything from women's rights abuses to defending the free world. The Lebanese resistance is simple: Get out of Lebanon.

10:37 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look you can check my ip number i'm sure and you'll find it coming from a rather odd place for an "israeli reservist". Oddly enough i'm not an israeli reservist or have any connection whatsoever to israel.

Israel is in Lebanon because they were attacked by a military force cowering around in Southern Lebanon, periodically launching rockets into Northern Israel and then ultimately staging a cross border ambush which killed 4 if I remember correctly while they made off with 2 others as hostages.

Of course the problem with these independent militias is that you can never get a proper peace because they all have their own aims and objectives (ranging from rather minor demands up to completely wiping Israel out). Reaching some kind of "agreement" merely satisfies some of the protagonists (while antagonising others) and you're forced into constantly dealing with splinter groups of splinter groups which is exactly what happens. When the groups aren't fighting Israel they're fighting themselves.

"The Lebanese resistance is simple: Get out of Lebanon."

No it isn't - Hezbollah (apparantly the Lebanese resistance) as above just started this whole thing. It had nothing to do with "get out of lebanon". From the wikipedia page on Hezbollah:
"Calls continue for the elimination of “the Zionist entity” (i.e. Israel) another founding objective, but today this seems mainly rhetorical."

As with many Muslim organisations in the Middle East, maintaining a platform calling for the removal of Israel is de rigour. It seems mainly rhetorical because they have no chance of acheiving it, and that is the only reason. If they dropped that platform, the militia would splinter and the attacks would continue.
PS, I think you have an obsession with Israel.

10:18 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i wonder whether you cried just as loudly for the rights of the oppressed Lebanese when Syria occupied them? For some reason I never once heard a Muslim denounce that decade long occupation...let alone protest about it in blogs and on the streets.

I also wonder whether you weep shout and go mad about occupations that have nothing to do with oppressed brothers and sisters of yours...how about Tibet? Do you ever go marching against China?

And what do you make of the current Sri lanka crisis? Do you feel the Tamil Tigers have a 'legitimate' right to kidnap children, kill indiscriminately and blow themselves up because they still havent got their own state and feel they are being occupied? Could that make it right to blow up Ghandi? And do you assign the same rights to ETA as you do to the palestinians?

If so, then clearly you support terrorism.
If not, then you must be a hypocrite who singles out israel...or maybe you are simply an antisemite who feels that all religious groups are entitled to their own states except for the Jews?

10:28 pm  

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