Monday, November 13

Transport For London Misery

I called up the Highways Ha Ha Ha Agency who told me that Transport for London were responsible for the A406. So I called them up instead and spoke to Jude who is obviously well-trained in diffusing complainants, even nice ones like me. "I know exactly what you mean, I was stuck in the same place a couple of week's ago."

Apparently they've had lots of complaints about this stretch of the North Circular that leads up to Henly's Corner. He said that the subcontractors narrow the road to slow people down (there's slow and then there's slooooooow) to protect their workers. I told him that there were absolutely no workers and no working in sight. Oh, said he.

So the process is that he speaks to the road network management team who employ the contractors, and they slap their wrists a bit and try and improve things (why do i feel oh-so-cynical). Every complaint gets a personal response. So I should hear something today or tomorrow.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This has been the story of our life since October as the A406 is our link to going almost anywhere. We've been stuck several times before we learnt a shortcut, the hard way. Sitting heplessly in our car for hours, me and my husband noticed a couple of times that there were no roadworks too. Besides, the sign says that roadworks start from 8 pm till 5 am but we've been on the road way before 8 pm and still there was this one miserbale lane open. the sign also says this will all end by the 30th of Nov, hopefully. Would like to know what response will you get, if any.

11:14 am  
Blogger Shelina Zahra Janmohamed said...

Unsurprisingly I haven't heard anything back from my new friend Jude. I'll be giving him a call soon.

12:07 pm  

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