Thursday, January 18

The plight of the successful Asian woman

How can I write about anything other than Big Brother? My fingers have been itching to do so all week, but with eviction day looming it's time to seize the opportunity. There's plenty being said about the Shilpa-Jade tiff, much of it very serious. However, one comment I wanted to make was about how the three English girls seem to have difficulty dealing with a successful Asian woman. It seems that wherever you go in the UK, whether it's in wider society and even within the Asian community itself, it's a bit naughty to be a successful Asian woman with personality. The cheek of it!

As a young educated asian woman myself, I find that often people just don't know how to react to you. If you're intelligent, articulate, well educated and successful, with a personality and some looks, people first look at you and judge you by stereotypes, and then when you speak become nervous, intimidated or confused. This is clearly what is happening to Shilpa Shetty, but it is an everyday occurrence in all walks of life in the UK, irrespective of class or background. Some reactions are more vile, others of surprise. The common factor is the pigeon-holing of Asian women as diminuitive, homely and oppressed. From within the Asian community and the wider society it's consider very cheeky for Asian women to be successful, to have opinions and be of more substance than just looks. I love watching the look of shock on people's faces when I tell them that I was at Oxford. Brings their stereotypes crashing down. I always have a little giggle to myself at the confusion I've caused to their view of the world. Great fun!

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Blogger Shak said...

Lol. Project much? I think you've put more thought into it than Jade and co anyway.

9:49 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this is so true even in the US. the only way to let people's guard down is to be exceedingly bubbly, which is just a horrible choice.

3:18 am  
Blogger Shelina Zahra Janmohamed said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

12:02 am  
Blogger Shelina Zahra Janmohamed said...

"Sometimes it's hard to be a woman..."

12:03 am  

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