Tuesday, July 10

Tea with the Queen

One would like one to know that one has been invited to a spot of tea and some cucumber sandwiches with one's Queen this afternoon at the Palace. One is most excited even though one is a not a dyed in the wool royalist. One is most disappointed that one cannot take one's camera, but heaven's blessings! one can in fact purchase a DVD of footage of this afternoon's summer garden party with Her Majesty which includes 30 mintues of filming which may feature one.

One will furnish you with the details on one's return. Toodle pips!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah you've been wooed by the house of of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. I hope you only go to reject an OBE or some such colonial hang up. All I can say is remeber Marston Moor

12:25 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmmm...I'm not sure I approve of all this moderating comments. Especially from somebody who works in the media.

12:29 pm  
Blogger PeterP said...

Perfectly splendid! Her Majesty - or at least her advisers - clearly has taste and style inviting you to take tea together.

Are you told why you were chosen: general all-round pulchritude and/or insightful postings here and elsewhere?

Great stuff.

6:54 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is one no longer able to speak with us common plebs?

7:01 pm  
Blogger Shelina Zahra Janmohamed said...


details to follow shortly...

7:09 pm  
Blogger The Arcadian said...

Wow, tea with ole liz? I would call it a privilege if I gave a damn about our defunct tourist- pleasing monarchy, but you must be quite eminent to have been invited by oneself! Can you do me a favour and ask her who her favourite Salman Rushdie character is?

10:18 pm  

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