Sunday, September 2

Are Muslims allowed to have a sense of humour?

Check out this spoof blog about a tongue in cheek Islamist:

The nameless author is weaving a chapter by chapter insight into his parody of growing up to be an Islamist. It's well worth a read, for a humorous few minutes. I particularly like comments such as:

"I was surprised at how many women their were. The next thing I was surprised at was how many men there were. " which for anyone who has been to an Islamic society at university and been exposed to the obsession with gender, will find very sharp as an observation.

Other moments include: "They successfully lobbied for a new prayer space, and we got a lobby." and "It was then that I became involved with my first Islamicist group, the Hizb-ut-Tizer (party of Tizer). They wanted to get rid of corrupt Muslim states and replace them with a superstate, based in Scotland, made from girders."

The blog was picked up by the Guardian who wrote a comment piece

Reading through the comments, however, it seems that the public don't like Muslims to have a sense of humour, or can't seem to compute that Muslims might be able to poke a bit of fun...

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes have just been there and his writing is humourous and thought provoking. I don't think that people don't want Muslims to have a sense of humour; think it's more about does religion generally have a sense of humour.

9:42 am  

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