Sunday, December 2

Launch of mosques advisory board, and Spirit21 comment on BBC

Last week a new body called MINAB - the Mosques and Imams National Advisory Board - was launched. This was following two years of consultation and dialogue amongst Muslim organisations. Mosques have always been an issue facing the Muslim communities - not because of the 'terrorist threat' that the media would like to have you believe that they pose, but simply because they are failing to meet the needs of their constituencies.

The BBC wrote a piece exploring some of the issues, which included an in-depth interview with me, referring to the writings I've made elsewhere about the role of mosques and Imams.

In an article entitled "The battle over mosque reform" it was revealed that apparently Spirit21 is "an influential blog with readers across the cultural and religious spectrum. Her [Shelina's] commentary on Muslim Britain has a following among key government figures."

Let's hope key officials are paying attention then.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations! At least, I think it's a good thing... :-)

5:13 pm  
Blogger Shelina Zahra Janmohamed said...

yes, i think it's probably a good thing too, but one can never tell with our friends in the media...

11:05 pm  

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