Sunday, February 10

The Archbishop makes front page news

"...The end of the world is nigh! Armageddon beckons! What will become of us! Alas, this is the black day at the end of time of which we were warned, and which threatens us with the dark clouds of despair and the explosion of the universe! Woe is us! Shariah courts are upon us! Take your sons, take your daughters! Hide from the awful fate which signals doomsday! The Mozlims will bring the end of civilisation as we know it! And it is Mr Senior Christian himself who has brought this doom - doom, i tell you, doom!!!!!!! - upon us...." ***

Oh sorry, was that not what the Archbishop said. Oops. It doesn't matter does it? surely he was just an excuse to talk about how terribly backward Muslims are (and be horrified at the foreign sounding word 'shariah' without really knowing what it means, or acknowledging the fact that neither the AoC nor Muslims are calling for its implementation?

I was particularly tickled by the fact that The Sun is calling for Rowan Williams to be given the boot, and has got page 3 girls telling him what they think of him. I personally didn't think The Sun gave two hoots about the Church, and couldn't care less - not sure how their immoral views and open disregard for religion give them any rights over the choice of AoC...

*** You can read this text in the voice of Douglas Murray, Martin Bright or Bishop Nazir-Ali. Alternatively Smithers or Burns from the Simpsons make good options too

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Loving the opening sequence of that video.

The issue of The Sun, and other newspaper front pages and feature articles twisting the issue to a ridiculous degree is absurd e.g. The Sun, 8th Feb., pg8&9: "AoC's outburst is a Victory for Terrorism" with a huge image of the wrecked red London bus from 7/7.

Surely there are grounds to complain to the Press Complaints Commission as these clearly break Point 1 of their Code of Practice.

11:10 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this guy is the guy from presstv from Islam and Life

9:09 am  
Blogger Shelina Zahra Janmohamed said...


10:53 am  

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