Love in a Headscarf - out now!

You can also read more about the book at
Labels: Love in a Headscarf, The Guardian
'They built me a box to live in and painted my caricature inside.
They said "this is you". I said no thank you, I'd rather be me'
Labels: Love in a Headscarf, The Guardian
salaams. i just came to your blog through the guardian. i cant wait to find and read your book, it looks really great. im so glad you've written something on this subject because after getting married the arranged introductions way, iv always wanted to explain the universal aspects of it that all women should understand. well done! can i buy it in a store btw?
The book should be available in all good bookstores - it's out in mine. You could always encourage them to move it to the front... :-)
Congratulations on the book being published (and a front page link on the Graun's home page this morning). Will it be available in Malaysia any time soon? Or will this have to be an amazon job?
I've been reading down to about halfway through 2007, and I can't say I'm surprised you have a publishing deal. You have a strong clear voice with a lot of thoughtful things to say - Keep it up!
having been married to a Muslim for almost four years (I'm atheist in a Muslim country) it's fascinating and thought provoking to read what a Muslim woman in my own country thinks. Here, it's taken as read that most people's cultural references are in Islam, so I'm the fish out of water.
As you'll have guessed, I'm a first-time reader. And I'm glad to see you have an RSS feed.
Salam Shelina,
Congratulations on the new book. I can't wait to read it. A chick-lit from a Muslim's perspective, a new frontier indeed!
~ Myra from Malaysia
Congratulations on publishing your book - that is quite an accomplishment. I would love to read it!
Thanks for coming by and leaving your kind wishes - can't wait for all of you to get copies of the book and start reading!
Just finished the book and I LOVED IT! I was glued to it and read it in one sitting! Thank you for writing it...could relate to it all, the excitement, the raised hopes and the sadness. Keeping the strength of faith through it all is tough but alhamdulilah you didn't compromise - so glad you found your 'one' and pray you stay happy together always.
congratulations, Shelina. It's a really important contribution, and I'm so happy it's already an amazon bestseller. 70% of books on Islam/Muslims/Muslim Countries displayed in airports seem to follow the orientalist targetted-woman narrative. Maybe now it'll be 69%.
salaam, i randomly came across ur book on amazon when i was ordering a bunch of other stuff, saw the review and thought it looked interesting - i used to follow ur blog awhile ago and when i realized u're the author of the book i was really surprised! nice to see how the blog's flourished and u've maintained it, and always good to have lighthearted anti-muslim-oppression literature to counteract the princess of arabia trash that's out there :) i pre-ordered my copy and started reading it as soon as it arrived - good luck!!
Can't wait to read it! Is it available in the US? Maybe I will special order it.
Greetings/Salaams Shelina
Hope you are well.
The best of wishes for success for your fantastic book - it is practically everywhere - which is Great!
Here is a link to a quick note I wrote of the book and yourself on my blog:
Congratulations on the book!
Are you going to be really angry at those of us who usually end up buying our reading in charity shops?
(Oh OK as it is you I'll just have to splash out1 Moan whinge.)
All the best.
Graham (Harry's Place.)
Salaams sister, I was also wondering if it'll be available in the US or on the Amazon US site? Or should I just order it on the Amazon.UK site? :)
Graham - thanks! Go on, splash out! I look forward to hearing your comments. Heck, why not go all the way and read it and then post on HP - might cause a stir :-)
For everyone with queries about the US, at the moment the only way to get it is via amazon in the UK - there's a buy now link at
I read the article and came by to see how I could get a copy in the U.S. - looks like it should be a great read!
Salam sis..
Congrats on ur new novel!
The title's so cute!
Do u think the book will be sold in my country,SIngapore?
Coz i really2 want it and i dun really know how to purchase online :(
WOOW congrats sister
jazakallah kheir
uve made my mouth go like this :D
wallah i love my sisters in islam nd most of all i love islam
and as a proud hijabi its great to
see that FINALLY we have a muslim writing about islam who is not about to suck up to the non-muslims and a story that we can identify with
anyways whenever i can find your book ill read it for sure
and i love ur blog all ready
reali proud of you
think this is ur version of da'wah
jazakallah kheir
ur sis in islam
naz :)
Because I think your blog is one of the most interesting places I´ve visited during the last months, I´m sure I´m buying your book in March. Perhaps I will be the first spanish girl in reading it. ;)
Take care and keep doing!
Salams, congrats on publishing ur book
I'm mid-way through your book and i'm LOVING it!! can totally relate to it, thanks for putting it out there for people to understand more about women in Islam.
take care,
Really great to hear you are all enjoying the book... keep reading, and recommending! (and buying, of course)
Oh My God!!! I can't help jumping in my seat!!! I am sooooo dying to read your book now!! Actually, i don't know how i found ur blog but i just did right now! well and i'm really really REALLY looking out for books like these! You must know of the book DOES MY HEAD LOOK BIG IN THIS? Well i read that and loved it and now i'm gonna get ur book ASAP!
Well. theres more! I am also kinda planing to write/writing a book of a similar nature but well, it's kinda different too and way under progres..Anyway, I'm gonna be hooked onto ur blog from now.
It was so serendipitous to come across you!
All the Best sis! AWESOME stuff :)
are you on faceook! i tried to order your book thru that CD store you told me and they said it was sold out... pleeez pleez make it avaliable here in the US soon!
I've ordered your book weeks ago but waited for the holidays to start so that I can enjoy each word and page! :)
A wonderful book - entertainig and definitely teaching! I've told all my friends (including my mom) about it and they're curiously waiting for your book to be translated into German! Hurry! :D
Keep up the good work!
Salaams from Germany!
PS: Did you write the column in emel?
I'm glad to hear that the book is making news in Germany. A little secret - it is looking very likely that the book will be translated and published in Germany, but this may take a little while. I'll keep you posted...
Congrtulations! Just ordered your book on amazon, and cant wait to read it! I'm sure I'll be sharing it with friends :)
Assalaamu alaykum
This is an absolutely fantastic book and one which has been long overdue. I was gripped throughout and couldn't put it down where ever I took it. A guy so engrossed in a pink book in public would previously be unheard of but not any more... bring them out boys!
May all those who are married, looking to get married and not looking to get married benefit from the wonderful insights that your contributions via book and blog have made.
Please keep up the good work. Keep writing...
Morisco, that's fantastic! Glad to hear that you "braved" the pink cover to find out that men will enjoy this book just as much as women. Please do encourage more men to read the book (and buy it of course). And I'm so pleased that you found the book gripping and enjoyed it. Thanks for leaving your feedback.
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