Sunday, July 30

It's not our fault!

'We can't help it if our bombs kill civilians' says Israel. 'It's Hezbollah's fault, they made us do it!'

It reminds me of a little kid throwing a tantrum about a sibling and then telling tales to their parents.


Blogger Stephen West said...

Pointing out that Hezbolla's strategy of embedding itself in the civilian infrastructure is bound to lead to greater civilian casualties, is childish whining? So what is deliberately targeting civilians with rockets and suicide bombs? The mature, adult approach?

11:33 am  
Blogger Shelina Zahra Janmohamed said...

What my limited experience has shown me is that in this world all we have control over is our own actions, and we have to take responsibility for them. We may not always like the consequences, but being mature and adult (as you put it) means accepting that those are the consequences. You cannot blame someone else by saying "they made me do it", nobody makes you do anything.

If you carry out an action then you have to accept the consequences and take responsibility for them. The issue that you are confusing with this is whether you are justified in it or not. But you have to admit that you have killed civilians, there is no getting round that.

If Israel is really the mature society it claims to be, then why does it compare itself and its actions to an organisation which it sees as the very opposite? Either you should step away, or be honest enough to take responsibility.

4:04 pm  

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