Sunday, July 30

What does 'winning' mean?

Israel wants to destroy Hezbollah. This means destroying them militarily. Israel and the Americans see Hezbollah as a physical entity. Once they are killed off and their assets wiped out, they will be gone. But Hezbollah also represents a mindset - one that says that you have the right to defend your land. And what the Israelis don't understand is that winning militarily doesn't mean winning the war. If anything, they will find they have made the end goal harder. And that is what Israel hasn't understood. Winning does not mean that all your neighbours are scared of you and live through death and destruction.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is exactly right. There are no winners in war. War breeds warriors not peacemakers.

7:33 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, Hezbollah. Brave, facist defenders of their land!

Of course, the Israelis weren't actually occupying Lebanon when they chose to invade Israeli territory, murder some soldiers and kidnap others. Oops.

12:32 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, here is a view from an Israeli. Do you think we are so simple minded? We know very well that winning the war is not enough, but it is the only choice we have at the moment. Do you really and honestly think that Israelis enjoy sending their sons to kill and die?
We know that our biggest enemy is the Arab mindset, because what exactly is the land that the Hezbollah is "defending"? It is not Lebanon, because we would not attack them if they did not attack us. It is Israel; they don't want us here at all. So if we don't fight, our alternative is to disappear.
There is another way to achieve peace: stop demonizing Israel and the Jews, accept that Jews have a right to a tiny piece of land to call their own. I assure you, if this happened, you would be amazed at the results.

4:47 am  
Blogger Shelina Zahra Janmohamed said...

And oops about the civilians killed in Qana in 2006. And oh yes, in 1996. In a UN protected zone.

4:05 pm  
Blogger Shelina Zahra Janmohamed said...

Psychology theories say that when something happens to you once, you may be a victim. When it happens to you twice or more then you have to look at the common factor - you.

Given that Israel seems to be the common factor in ongoing wars, killings, and general agitation, your counsellor would advise you - which of your actions do you think are leading to these outcomes? Only when you change your behaviours will the consequences change.

I've been to both Gaza and Lebanon and seen the terror that Israel - yes, Israel, has inflicted on ordinary people, completely unprovoked and unwarranted. If Israel is seriously interested in peace, then its actions do not show it at all.

4:09 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Psychology theories say that when something happens to you once, you may be a victim. When it happens to you twice or more then you have to look at the common factor - you.

Given that Islam seems to be the common factor in ongoing wars, killings, and general agitation, your counsellor would advise you - which of your actions do you think are leading to these outcomes? Only when you change your behaviours will the consequences change.

Whaddaya think?

2:27 am  

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