Monday, August 21

Did you know's about Sierra Leone

In my research about Sierra Leone, I dug up some interesting facts. Apparently the University of Freetown (the capital) is twinned with Kingston Upon Hull (how???). Freetown has a suburb called Kissy. You can just imagine the cheeky young men teasing the girls "Let's go Kissy, whaddaya say?" Kissy is also the name of a character in the game Baraduke (and no, before you ask, I have no idea).

Grahame Green lived in Sierra Leone. During World War II, he worked for the Secret Intelligence Service in Sierra Leone, which became the setting for his book The Heart of the Matter.

And the third largest diamong ever found, was the Star of Sierra Leone which came in at a whopping 968.80 carats. It was found in 1972 in Sierra Leone and weighed about half a pound. The rough diamond was eventually cut into seventeen exquisite individual diamonds, six of which are now set in the Star of Sierra Leone Brooch. This was a Rock and a half.

I'll let you know if I get offered something similar while I'm out there. I'll start a Shelina Diamond Fund. All donations welcome :-)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! Cool facts. I am researching facts about Sierra Leone for school, and these are great!

8:51 pm  
Blogger Shelina Zahra Janmohamed said...

Good luck with your school work!

10:14 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i also have to look up facts sierra leone for school

2:39 am  
Blogger Shelina Zahra Janmohamed said...

I'm curious why there is a sudden interest in Sierra Leone for school projects. Where are your schools and do you know why Sierra Leone has been selected?

9:21 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, everyone at my school had t pick an African Country for a project. I thought the name Sierra Leone was cool so I picked it. Haha. And, these facts were what I was looking for. Thanks!

1:14 am  
Blogger Shelina Zahra Janmohamed said...

Glad to be of help.

It's yet another school project on Sierra Leone - anyone want to explain why it's so popular at school???

12:21 pm  
Anonymous shastaluv said...

that is funny because i also have to do a project for school on Sierra Leone. i think it is a really interestin country

9:38 pm  

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