Monday, November 6

Saddam's death sentence and the mid term elections


Blogger PeterP said...

It certainly would have been no coincidence that the verdict was reached in time to allow Dubya to relish the moment - not good taste, though politics as we know them.

Of interest here has been the struggle of politicians who oppose the death penalty on 'principle' [I use quotes as I'm never at ease putting politician and principle in the same sentence] having to bite hard not to criticise Iraq for what, in any other circumstance, they would readily call judicial murder. (As someone pointed out yesterday, should Saddam ever escape jail and flee to the Britain, we would not be allowed to extradite him back to Iraq as the death penalty would be, in UK law, a breach of his human rights.)

Sad too - if utterly true - in terms of due judicial process to hear John Simpson from the BBC say that of course the appeal will fail. Verdict then trial - pure Alice in Wonderland.

My great fear, as ever in this whole wretched situation, is that when Saddam is hanged it will merely lead to more death in Iraq and who knows where else.

I have no truck with Saddam - clearly a man who wraught death and destruction on his own people for many years, often aided by the West of course - but if one is going to cherry-pick world leaders for calling before the bar of justice, let them start with Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe, a dictator's dictator if ever there was one.

10:07 am  
Blogger Newbie! said...

hope you are well! just wondered if you are still ok to answer a few questions? if yeah just send me a quick email. if not thats fine!
thanks for your time!

1:06 pm  
Blogger Shelina Zahra Janmohamed said...

yes of course, but you need to send me a contact email address

2:08 pm  

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