Friday, January 19

Fantasy Celebrity Big Brother

With the whole world taking an interest in Big Brother, and what it means for some of the big social issues of our time, it got me thinking that putting together other big names under the cameras for 24 hours a day might not be such a bad thing. Either they would have to sort out their differences and get to know each other as people, or we'd actually get to see them for what they are.

Here is my proposal for the first 12 nominations:
George Bush (pretty obvious choice, could be good fun)
Condoleeza Rice (I want to know what really lies underneath that unruffled exterior)
Ahmedinajad (also pretty obvious choice, want to see how they all react with each other)
Cherie Blair (I think she'd be much more entertaining than hubby)
Gordon Brown ("Liar!" exclaimed Cherie Blair. 'Nuff said)
Shami Chakrabarty (just to get some good soundbites)
King Abdallah of Saudi Arabia (how do they keep those long white thobes so clean and dazzling?)
Gadaffy (the curve ball)
Liz Hurley ("I'd like to order some safety pins with this week's budget". She'd just be highly watchableTV)
Chaves (or is he the curve ball?)
Putin (to see how long it takes for him to start a mafia)
Patricia Hewitt or Margaret Beckett or John Reid (just to get one of them away from all those pies they are messing with and keep them out of trouble for a few weeks).

I reckon the winner would be either Shami (for remaining sane) or Ahmedinajad for just jaw dropping shock.

Who do you think would win? What are your proposals for a fantasy celebrity big brother?

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Blogger PeterP said...

My one reservation is that I would not have Shami in the house.

Not because she wouldn't be brilliant, but partly to spare her the agony of it all and mostly because she would make a terrific 'voice of Big Brother' in the diary room.

"So tell me Bush [or Ahmedinajad, or Patricia Hewitt, or most of the rest] you are clearly as mad as a box of frogs. Just how do you sleep at night?"

"Cherie Blair, you say that your Human Rights would be infringed if you weren't allowed enormous perks at the expense of the public purse. You are having a laugh aren't you?"

"Margaret Beckett - Foreign Secretary of the United Kingdom. Oh whoops sorry I've just wet myself at the very idea!"

"Putin - wouldn't it be a good idea if you grew a huge moustache and stopped pretending you're not Stalin?"

"Condi - why is it that so many secretly lust after you, but no one really likes you?"

"Gordon Brown, Prime Minister. That is so just last year!"

And so on.

Tell it like it is Shami! Great gal.

11:29 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd like to add to your list, Mel Gibson, Pope Benedict, Edwina Currie. And Richard Dawkins, Orhan Pamuck, for some reason and rationality.

7:28 am  

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