Why I love being a British Muslim Woman...
The media always makes it look like Muslim women have a rough old time of it, and we're miserable... In an upcoming article, due to be published next week in The Muslim News, I'm writing about Five Things I Love About Being a British Muslim Woman. If you come back here on the 27th of September, you'll be able to read the whole piece. In the meantime, here is a teaser-taster for you...
Read the full article now which is posted here: http://www.spirit21.co.uk/2007/09/five-things-i-love-about-being-british.html

'Poor, oppressed, miserable, battered Muslim women!' cry the media harpies. They take lustful pleasure in oppression of their own kind, by misrepresenting us, by stifling our voices, by denying us our identities. "It cannot be that you love being Muslim!" say the politico-journo-lobbyist voices. "You must not partake of Britain and its values," say the Muslim voices that also try to own us.
I'm here to set the record straight. I like being a British Muslim Woman. In fact, I love it. Ol' Blighty is the place of my birth, and I am very much a child of the empire, my origins being in the far flung reaches of the reign on which the sun never set. Like all good British Muslim women, I love a good gossip, and a good moan. I am careful not to talk to people on the underground (except in a crisis). I talk about the whether and traffic in immense detail. I love fish and chips, with lots of vinegar. I am love-struck with the Britishness that venerates Stonehenge, despite its toy-sized pebbles when compared to the great wonders of the ancient world. I am besotted by the fact that we haven't won the world cup for forty years, and yet we are adamant that we will certainly win the next time we play. Hurrah for being a British Muslim Woman!"
Read the full article now which is posted here: http://www.spirit21.co.uk/2007/09/five-things-i-love-about-being-british.html

'Poor, oppressed, miserable, battered Muslim women!' cry the media harpies. They take lustful pleasure in oppression of their own kind, by misrepresenting us, by stifling our voices, by denying us our identities. "It cannot be that you love being Muslim!" say the politico-journo-lobbyist voices. "You must not partake of Britain and its values," say the Muslim voices that also try to own us.
I'm here to set the record straight. I like being a British Muslim Woman. In fact, I love it. Ol' Blighty is the place of my birth, and I am very much a child of the empire, my origins being in the far flung reaches of the reign on which the sun never set. Like all good British Muslim women, I love a good gossip, and a good moan. I am careful not to talk to people on the underground (except in a crisis). I talk about the whether and traffic in immense detail. I love fish and chips, with lots of vinegar. I am love-struck with the Britishness that venerates Stonehenge, despite its toy-sized pebbles when compared to the great wonders of the ancient world. I am besotted by the fact that we haven't won the world cup for forty years, and yet we are adamant that we will certainly win the next time we play. Hurrah for being a British Muslim Woman!"
Labels: teaser
That's lovely... You've said your thoughts about Britain... Can I ask your thoughts about Islam? Do you feel free to answer the question? Have you studied Islam much?
Read the whole article when it is posted later in the week, then maybe, just maybe we'll talk (but with your self-stated 'infidel' rantings on your own sites I'm not sure you'll hear anything I have to say...
Good and gossip just do not match! Good Muslim women don't love a good gossip and a good moan. Allahu alim which measure of goodness you are using here. Speak for yourself, not for us all.
I hate muslims. I wish you would just die.
you are not British, you are a muslim. islam does not sit well with a libel socity, remember that us Christains are older and have had our talban under Comwell,and the women rights of the early 1900's. Your bible is older than the koran. You need to move to a muslim country....with hallam meat which is cruel, stonings, have no rights as a woman, have men holding hands before prayers,killing someone who draws Mohannad but calling your son Mohannad ok, SENDING DRUGGED UP PEOPLE AS BOMBERS AND TELLING THEM THEY WILL GO TO HEVEN? If you are a muslim and change your mind,, you must die?
Please get out off this country
Assalamu alaikum brothers and sisters
To the person who left the comment above me, i think we have determined who is the horrible person here - and it certainly isnt the majority of muslims who will be reading your discusting post.
I am a newly convert to Islam, i have lived as an athiest in this country for 21 years with no substance, no direction and no meaning in life, living amongst the same rude, ignorant people. I have heard and seen the stereotypes, i have witness impurities in Islam - yet i made my own opionion of it and kept an open mind, you should not judge everyone as the same, it is a very narrow minded quality!
what interests me about this topic, is that people care more to comment on other religions instead of consentrating on their own, and to pick out the negative instead of the positive in everything - thus me thinks ..something must be missing in your life, as was mine, so i turned to the beauty of Islam! in every race and religion there is good and ther is bad..and the british/american community have no room in saying what is right and what is wrong, those in glass houses should not throw stones?
since i became Muslim, i am a more positive, happy and complete person but people like you will never live and let live - you always have to stick the knife in! and in any case, you wish death opon us - which either way Good HONEST Muslims will go to Paradise. where as you will not.
The stereotype of the terrorists are not what Islam is about - as soon as they had the intention in the heart to kill anyone they no longer were muslims and contradicted the teachings of the Quran, period! so i ask the people who are reading this message - know your facts before you speak, as you know nothing, you just follow suit like sheep and follow the stereotype of what everyone else is saying - change the record already!
I do not mean to be rude here or say anything which may offend anyone, i do not think all non muslims are rude or ignorant as i know that is not true, i just feel that you should respect peoples choices in life, and if you cannot in your heart accept a Muslim person - do not open your mouth and offend them, if you have a negative opinion which may harm or offend someone, keep it to yourself! i am sure you do not like it when bad things are said about your community and your way of life? I am open to constructive criticism, as i love to learn the opinion of all walks of life - i am only Human, i do not know everything! but when they criticism becomes an insult it is not worth the aknowledgment.
It always amazes me how much passion and emotion this topic of nationhood and faith generates...
Muslims - please, please get out of this country. You have nothing but a negative impact wherever you go.
religion is always a controversial topic especialy in a multicultural society like britin. i am not religious and am sick of all the bickering as most of it is bred from ignorance and misunderstanding on both sides. live and let live.
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