Thursday, October 18

Eid in Trafalgar Square - I'll be presenting

There will be a big Eid celebration in Trafalgar Square this Saturday 20th October from 1pm to 5pm. The event is hosted by The Mayor of London and the Muslim Council of Britain.

The event, marks the end of Ramadan, and is the second time it is being celebrated in the suare. It aims to bring "together London's diverse Muslim communities and extends an invitation to the rest of London to celebrate together".

Go on, you know you want to come. Really, yes... And you'll get to see me on stage presenting the acts during the first half of the programme. It does sound like fun, and as a presenter, I've had a sneak preview of the running order. There are some great artists on the billing, along with some very high profile surprises, so make sure you come early and grab your spot. Oh, and there will be food too of course.

You can check out the event at
Photo: Eid in the Square 2006


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