Sunday, December 16

The Perils of Reality TV

Channel 4 aired the first of a three part series tonight entitled "Make Me a Muslim." The premise of this reality TV show is that a group of Muslim mentors (three Imams from various backgrounds, and a female Muslim convert) spend three weeks with six people of other faiths (or none) to show them how to live as Muslims. Not only did the programme's title cause me concern - but its opening blurb made me wince, when it said that in the context of increasing social problems, the Imams want to "restore the moral backbone of Britain by introducing Islam. Can a 1400 year old religion really sort out people's lives?"

The next two parts of the programme air on Monday and Tuesday, so I'll wait till then to comment fully. However, the Guardian ran a piece a few weeks ago exploring if the reality TV approach to religion was really 'dumbing down' the idea of faith. The show's producer, Narinder Minhas said he was 'tired of watching "po-faced" programmes about Islam and, always on the hunt for hybrids, wanted to turn religion into factual entertainment. '

Well, there certainly a number of comic moments in tonights show, but ones that made me want to cry rather than laugh. As a community that is already misunderstood, and has difficulty in communicating and connecting with the wider society it is part of, for Muslims to appear on reality TV, and face all the perils that brings with it, makes me very nervous...

P.S. There are other things that make me very nervous about the programme too, but I'll tell you about those on Tuesday

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Blogger cambstreasurer said...

It would be interesting to have them run 2 sets of "seekers" in parallel; one set doing the original scenario and the other doing the Alpha course (or something similar).

2:17 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought the program was pretty dire. I look forward to your comments.

9:06 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The question, "Can a 1400 year old religion really sort out people's lives?" is probably a valid one, but I would NOT watch a trash-tv "reality" show to find out the answer!

7:37 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As-SalaamuAlaikum sis, I dont exactly know why - but this made me really cringe in places. Sometimes I feel were selling the concept of Tawhid with a certain cultural preference as well.
I look forward to reading your opinions - PS: HAve you come across this link before (I felt though congruent with common sense, it felt enlightening.


8:37 pm  
Blogger PeterP said...

From what I can gather, the programme is about as valid and relevant as if I offered to 'Make You A Catholic' by telling you:

1. Make the Genuflection look stately, sedate and as if you mean it, not that you've tripped over a carpet tile or been kicked in the stomach!

2. The Sign of the Cross ends left to right, not right to left as that's Orthodox.

3. If a trendy priest says "Call me Dave", insist on always addressing him as 'Father', just to show him some manners.

4. When you go to Mass ask for a 'Non-Shaking' seat to avoid the dreaded 'Sign of Peace' and to show that you are a staunch traditionalist.

5. Wear a Crucifix not a Cross - 'cos that's Protestant!

6. Only eat fish on Fridays because you observe tradition, but always eat meat during Lent to show you like breaking the rules.

7. Always use a zebra-crossing when you are on your way to Confession, but run out into a dual carriageway afterwards in the hope you get run down and die in a state of Grace! (That is extreme and not to be tried at home!)

8. If the local priest always goes on holiday to Benidorm with his 'housekeeper', never mention the matter/scandal at a Parish Council meeting if you want to avoid being Excommunicated.

9. If you want to be nice to a Protestant tell him how generous the Church of England is in paying for the upkeep of all your lovely but decaying old churches that he nicked off you at the Reformation. If you don't want to be nice to a Protestest say to him: "You worship God in your way...and I'll worship Him in His."

10. Swear unswerving loyalty to the Rome, but try to avoid finding out what the current Pope actually has to say on any matter lest that conflict with your own personal moral code. (Very Catholic that!)

...Does any of that make any sense? It's absolutely not meant to as any exposition of what the Catholic faith is meant to be about at the centre of its being, any more than this programme in any way shows or tells a non-Muslim what the heart of Islam is as a faith or what it means to a person who follows that faith.

What next I dread to wonder? Father Ted and Imam Abdul swop roles and tunics for a week? Heaven forbid!

9:36 pm  

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