Friday, February 29

Spirit21 reveals The Magic Muslims...

Spirit21 is proud to reveal The Magic Muslims - Ordinary Muslims with Extraordinary Powers. Fun-loving, quirky and joyful in life, once you've met them, you'll want to keep coming back for more. Any Muslim you meet could be a MagicMuslim - a quiet superhero trying to bring happiness, humour and compassion to the world.
I'm really excited to bring you these characters - created and commissioned as original Superheroes by Spirit21 for everyone to enjoy and interact with. Every month or so a new cartoon with the characters will be published, so you can check out their antics in the world. I hope you enjoy them, as much as I enjoyed creating them. Please share your comments and thoughts, but do remember the copyright!

Make sure you get to know The Magic Muslims better here

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Blogger Mindscriber said...

Shelina - this is a wicked idea, looks awesome.....

Who knows, today a comic strip, tomorrow a book and a day after a movie...

Do tell me when you start auditions...

Nah seriously well done with the idea..

1:18 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


i got your link from a friend who infoermed me that you plan to visit Indonesia and would like to have some contact of Indonesian active in womenlution? :)

i am currently in Tromso, Norway for studying. But i can help you with some contact if you want. just feels free to visit my blog or send me email.

wish you all the best

9:22 am  
Blogger Adventurous Ammena said...

love it :) look forward to hearing about their antics :D

11:10 am  
Blogger Dedy said...

Salam Shelina, found your blog n love it.. it encourage me to write even more..

Remember me? I was there in the embassy's reception the night before you leave back to UK after 5 day visit to Indonesia. I'm the one from Darunnajah Islamic Boarding school.. hope u enjoy the visit n I'm waiting for you to write something about it..

feel free to visit our website;

11:16 pm  
Blogger Shelina Zahra Janmohamed said...

Of course I remember you! It was really nice to meet you! and thanks for taking the time to check the blog...

6:30 am  
Blogger ::: SPEEDY ::: said...

Salaams -- wow.what a wonderful start to the 'magic muslims'.
most of the age groups arecovered in the characters you have now.....ever thought of adding a younger character too ...(just a suggestion).
Hoping to see more of the antic of the 'magicians'.New to your blog so please maaf me for just jumping in.Ill go through the other posts and drop comments if you dont mind.

6:03 pm  
Blogger Shelina Zahra Janmohamed said...

watch this space to see what they get up to!

And feel free to jump in anytime!

4:43 am  
Blogger Unknown said...

Good stuff Shelina.

Its world ripe for changing - you go for it.


12:47 pm  
Blogger Shelina Zahra Janmohamed said...

Thanks Julian, will do!

4:56 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this magic stuff and super powers becoming invisible etc doesnt seem right you should consult a scholar about this. we definately know magic is haram and we should play around with this word.

2:23 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I see super heroes as a bit pathetic really and its sad and unnecessary to see a muslim version of them. Im sorry to say but most children and adults would find this hilarious.

2:31 am  
Blogger Shelina Zahra Janmohamed said...

I may consider creating a new character who has the ability to give Muslims lateral thinking, and more importantly a sense of humour...

10:30 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This so called magic muslims seems really really stupid and would only be created by someone who has very little understanding of the basics of islam.

6:17 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


We dont believe in magic in islam. According to the quran those who do magic should be killed. You may twist and play around with the word but magic isn't right. Even if you were to use another word it doesn't seem right to me to have created cartoon characters that have these powers like flying, being invisible etc and relate it to islam you seem to be mocking the religion. We dont have any account of any muslims performing these miracles in history so why are you making some up. But than who im I, I havent got your super lateral thinking. Im just a plain old muslim who has some knowledge of islam and I dont feel
comfortable with this although I do have a great sense of humour. May be you should consult someone who has some deep knowlegde.

6:29 pm  

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