Tuesday, February 26

Time for a Womelution - a preview

The Muslim community needs to make a quantum leap in addressing the issues of gender roles, gender worth, and gender relations, and so later this week I will be declaring a 'womelution'.

The debate about Islam, women and rights seems to have reached a dead end. We are stuck, all of us together - Muslim and otherwise - in a groundhog day regurgitation of the same arguments about women and Islam. It's all talk with few new ideas and intellectual works being produced, little social change happening, and Muslims still not facing up to the fact that we need to address the subject of gender.

What we need is for men and women to work together so that we can make substantive change and real improvements. What we need are open hearts and inquisitive minds so that we can make a positive move forward. What we need, is a womelution.

If you come back on Friday 29th Feb, you'll be able to read the full article, and you will also find a humorous surprise waiting for you...

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Blogger Unknown said...

I think that there might be progress somewhere.

In Turkey theologians are rewriting the Hadith; and it looks from peripheral reports (BBC Radio 4, Today Programme, 26/02/08) that a lot of the women's rights issues might be being addressed.

Essentially they've applied the science of textual criticism to the Hadith, and are throwing out anything that wasn't really said by Mohammed, or has been used out of context.

The journalist called it a "Reformation".

12:32 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope the article's good cuz your post sounds like a campaign speech.

The better it is the greater the chance of it being submitted on Islamify.com.

4:55 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

zzanron, rewriting hadith? Reformation? Sounds like a disaster.

4:57 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You beat me to it xzanron, I have just clicked on the comment link to make the same point.

There's a link to read all about it on BBC News.


I might be a supporter of your womelution Mrs Janmohamed, do I have to wave a flag?

And what happened to your really cool logo (the lady with the pink hijab)? it's dissapeared from the front page of the website (apart from the really tiny one further down the page).

8:12 pm  

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