Thursday, March 20

Excrutiating jetlag

It's 6am and I'm wide awake, and I have been for the last hour and a half. I'm far from feeling fresh and perky, but instead I'm suffering a constant headache and fatigue. I've travelled extensively before but this return trip from Indonesia has sunk a right hook into my stomach and left me reeling. I know the adjustment is supposed to be a day for every hour of time difference, but I can't face up to a week of jetlag agony.

I have many photos, stories and videos to share of Indonesia, so bear with me and they will soon be up, with full commentary and a Shelina ready for discussion!



Blogger ::: SPEEDY ::: said...

Salaams , Welcome back...... a good 'trick' adjusting from jetlag is to sleep in bits and portions during the days.A small power nap in the afternoon and an early to bed night with a power nap in the afternoon the next day etc..will reduce the time to maybe 2-3 days.Look forward to the pics and discussions

6:43 am  
Blogger Haroon.Q.Mohamoud said...

Salaams, sister Shelina...
I hope you enjoyed the holiday.. is that your son in the pic?

8:30 am  
Blogger Shelina Zahra Janmohamed said...

Speedy, thanks for the advice. I think the four day bank holiday weekend is certainly helping!

haroon, no, but he does have a fabulous yawn!

9:29 am  
Blogger Unknown said...

Salaams, after reading your article "Womelution" in the muslim news, I found the site below; could some of these people be side-kicks/mortal enemies of the "magic muslims"; please note that the youtube clip also relates to your entry "Observations on my high street - things that made me cross"

2:44 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

salams shelina!
good to know you are back home safe and sound! jetlag? dear me, you 'promised' me you'd take care of yourself ...! tehehe ...
looking forward for those pics and words already ready for action!
take care! :-)

9:29 am  
Blogger Shelina Zahra Janmohamed said...

Ali, great video link. I'll take the creative input for the future of the Magic Muslims and see what they can do! But the people who were outraged by the discrimination - they were heroes too, ordinary people making a stand against prejudice.

Satriyo - I did take care in Indonesia! Unfortunately it's the shock of being back that's knocked me out! I'm working on the article and photos right now, so hopefully something will be up shortly...

11:56 am  
Blogger Unknown said...

salamz sister shelina...first of all congrats on your award, and also i think you had one of the best speeches at the awards. again congratulations

10:40 pm  

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