Thursday, March 5

From blogger to author to blogger

The last few weeks have been exciting and enlightening to say the very least. My book "Love in a Headscarf" was published rather coquettishly on Valentine's Day (that's February 14th, for all those of you that oppose the essential existence of such a day). Despite being an utter and unfailing optimist, even I was completely overwhelmed by the amount of media coverage and interest it has raised.

The Guardian, BBC World, the Asian Network, the Turkish Media, the Daily Mail (yes! the Daily Fail even loved it - they published an extract which included a verse from the Qur'an - probably the first time ever outside an article commenting about the scary rise of shariah by the lovely Ms. MP), The Asian Writer, Eastern Eye, the lovely Muslimah Media Watch, IslamOnline, CommentisFree... the list goes on.

And you can leave your comments about the book or your own stories here:

In all the excitement, dear Spirit21 readers, the blog has gone somewhat neglected. But I return now to my first love, the InterWeb, and all of you who were with me before printed material came between us. So, a few pieces will follow shortly catching up with what has gone on in the last few weeks and which I haven't managed to post up yet. And more soon.

P.S. In teeny weeny writing, having said all that, do remember to buy the book! :D

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

As-salaamu 'Alaykum Shelina,

Congratulations on all your success. I've been an avid reader of your blog for a while now although I have never commented.

I read the extract from your book on the Daily Mail website (I know, who would have thought?!) and I must say it is a brilliant piece of writing. I will definitely recommend it to some friends of mine.

Congratulations again.

7:15 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As-salaamu 'Alaykum Shelina,

Any idea when this book will be avaliable in the USA? I am trying to get a copy from London, but i don't know anyone there! I too read an extract on the website, and now i wish i had the book in front of me to read the whole thing.

I will keep you in my prays,

Khuda Hafiz,


7:40 pm  
Blogger Shelina Zahra Janmohamed said...

We're still in discussions with some US publishers. However, in the meantime you can buy it from in the US or from either or and have it shipped to the US

10:22 am  

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