Sunday, February 11

Beautiful warm Barcelona

The flight from London to Barcelona was an eclectic mix of people. Lots of Brits of course, a surprising number of Koreans, no doubt here to represent the Far East´s mobile firms, and an unexpected number of Pakistanis. My favourite travel moment was the insignia on one chap´s bag which read "Pakistan Supreme Quelitee" [sic] typo not mine.

Barcelona is truly a picturesque city, with a pretty marina, wonderful boulevards and quirky palm trees. I was here at the same time last year, and what struck me most were the jaw dropping Gaudi buildings, especially La Sagrada Familia church. It´s epic beauty and yet almost total departure from the norms of church architecture created a kind of mesmerising spiritual atmosphere. I was awestruck.

Does anyone know of any mosques that have such breathtaking vision and idiosynchracy?

Anyone willing to give me about fifty million pounds to commission and create something that would be not mountainous in size, but a creative and inspirational addition to spiritual architecture in the Uk and Europe, a statement of design intent, of poetry, wisdom and contemporary delight that would shatter our paradigm of divine construction?

Britain needs groundbreaking architecture and modern wisdom in its environment. It needs something more uplifting than its boxy paper thin houses and flats, and mock tudor houses, and industrial council estates. It needs something to make its spirits soar.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Cordoba Mosque (Spain) is also beautiful.

10:08 pm  

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