'They built me a box to live in and painted my caricature inside. They said "this is you". I said no thank you, I'd rather be me'
Wednesday, February 7
Happy Birthday Spirit21!
It's my blog's first birthday. Hurrah! And what an exciting and unexpected year it's been. Most heartening have been comments (posted here and elsewhere) that Spirit21 provides a fresh voice that hasn't been heard before. My description in the blog title seems to have struck a chord and been quoted elsewhere and even inspired other blogs! And to think it all came from a moment of inspiration (or madness!) a year ago, when the text was born along with my mini-me, and the name for the blog (which many people have asked the meaning of - I'll leave you to suggest what you think it might mean?).
They say that there is a glass ceiling for me because (as Michael Moore would put it) I am not a stupid white man. Another they says I should temper my passions and desires, my dreams and ambitions because I am not a brown be-turbaned man. Some Theys say that I should fight my oppression, that I should rout it and defy it. Some say I face no oppression, that I should be happy that I am blessed and should accept my fortunate and happy lot. If you are not with us, they say, you are with the others, and they are wrong.
Spirit21 is a space to bring colour to this monochromatic world. I don't believe that black or white are the only options. Why not pinks, blues, yellows or browns? I am not us, nor am I Other.
Mashallah. Keep up the good work. God bless you.
A very happy birthday and I hope there will be many more of them.
Graham (Harry's Place)
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