Monday, October 22

Brent Eid Festival

Wow. It was a busy weekend. Yesterday I was the compere at an Eid Festival hosted by Brent council and organised in conjunction with local Muslim individuals and organisations. You can see the original programme here (but they've mis-represented me as a poet. Although I do indeed write poetry, its not the performative kind...)

It's the second time that Brent has held such an event, and it certainly had a fulsome turnout, which I'd put at between a thousand and two thousand people. Not bad for a local community event. It was good to see Muslims coming out to have a good time, especially the young lasses who had got dressed up in their sparkly gear. There were a number of talented performers and everyone having a good time. Shame the layout and acoustics of the venue let down the overall quality. Hopefully Brent can provide an alternative venue for next year.

More of the same support next year please Brent council!


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