Tuesday, December 25

Holding out for a hero - published on the Guardian

Poverty, war and climate change are all indications that individual is not as heroic as we once thought. Do we need a modern-day messiah?

Click here to read more

This article has just been published at Comment is Free on the Guardian website

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

"As for my Muslim-ness, I profess to be a Muslim and a human being, if I can live up to being a good human being, I aspire for nothing greater." - That's beautiful, well said!

5:46 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it's up to humans to sort out their own messes, rather than wait for a cosmic squeegee mop to come along and handily do it for us.

6:37 pm  
Blogger Shelina Zahra Janmohamed said...

We certainly need to be more proactive in making the world a better place...

12:02 pm  

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