Spirit21 wins Best Blog and Best Female Blog

I'd like to thank my parents, my brother, my uncles and aunts, my inspirational husband, my friends, my colleagues, my nieces, my fans, my readers, the British public, my porter, those who sit stuck on the M25 with me, my fellow Londoners, the nation, the world, the universe.... Speech continues fading into distance
I'm thrilled that Spirit21 has won Best Blog and Best Female Blog at the Brass Crescent awards this year. The awards are designed to recognise and honour the best of the Muslim blogosphere, so I'm truly honoured to have won. Many thanks to all those who showed their support by voting. I hope you will continue to enjoy my writings, and hopefully find a voice in my words, along with hope, humour and insight.
Labels: blog, brass crescent
well done, certainly well deserved!
can i just say its nice to see an air of...gratitude (or good sportsmanship at the very least), and in contrast to how others(esp nominees) viewed them.
Well done. You deserve it. I also liked the praise: "high standard of English."
Congratulations Shelina! Its very well deserved. May you long continue with all your hard work to keep the rest of us informed, educated and entertained.
Mabrook, Shelina, posting that Chandrashekhar joke alone would've been enough for you to deserve the award, heh, but there's so much more to enjoy. Keep up the good work.
And congratulations. I've also told your cousing in-law about this too. If she hasn't been her forgetting self again, she shoul've congratulated you on my behalf. =D
Eid Mubaarak =)
Snowdrops aka TagTag
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