Tuesday, October 23

Eid celebration in Trafalgar Square

For the second time, the Mayor of London gave over Trafalgar Square for a world-class Eid festival. On Saturday there were about thirty thousand people gathered together to celebrate Eid, the end of the Muslim month of Ramadhan. It was a great crowd, pleasurably diverse in both ethnicity and age. The square was packed to capacity, and it was almost impossible to move.

I spoke to Ken Livingstone, the current Mayor, before going up on stage to kick off the event. He said it was a positive move that we wanted to promote the square as a place of celebration for people, not just a place of protest. Whatever you may think of Ken, it was a sentiment that reflects on how people should reclaim the city and be proud of celebrating its heritage and connections. The square also hosts a number of other cultural events including Diwali.

It was a joyous event, lots of singing, poetry and good humour - a lot of people simply having a good time together. And from a personal point of view, standing on stage presenting a show at Trafalgar Square, this was an event that will not be forgotten. It was thrilling to be on the world stage and leading a lively, good humoured crowd that were there to have fun and share the moment with each other. Wow! Definitely a moment to recount at dinner parties for months to come...

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Blogger D'Great Ruler said...


I heard about this from your father in law's brother's daughter. The one that lives in Plaistow currently. I don't want to mention names since it would be a violation of her privacy on the net.

Anyways... I hear it was a great event, it's sad I couldn't attend it. But the issue of free-mixing is doodling in my mind. And I think mentioning it would make a party-pooper. I don't think I like that label. Hehe.

You have a great blog. Keep it up =)


9:27 pm  

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