Are women silent members of society?
This week, there was the question of where does the silent stereotype originate from? Is it really the case? I was more interested in how both men, but also women perpetuate such ideals and enforce them to retain the status quo.
Also intriguing for me was the idea put forward by some of the other studio guests that being an 'active' member of society is a religious obligation. Being active can of course mean many things, but I got the impression they meant going out and about doing community activities, leading or engaging in activities, politicking, spreading the word and engaging in 'dawah' and other such things.
These are clearly all worthy and as a society people need to contribute towards community service. However, I think we were missing the clear sense that actually as a woman it's ok to stay at home (which we touched on) but broadly women should have the choice to participate or not, that there is a range of what women can and want to be, and being Muslim is not a barrier to this. The culture stops us.
But is being 'active' really a duty? In my view, no. Being a good person, and dealing with your personal obligations is important, that is the basis for me. I don't believe you need to force people to go out and about in an almost-enforced belief that they have to do it. If they choose to, that is great, if not, then that's ok too. Sometimes I think we load up too many religious obligations onto people, more than is necessary. And frankly that puts normal human beings off. The Prophet Muhammed described what a human being needs to do in a very simple way "Make sure you undertake all your obligations, stay away from everything that is wrong".